We've had thousands of people co-sign our open letter calling on household brands to stop using Uyghur forced labour. Will you be one of them and add your name now?

Add your name to the letter

HOPE not hate

John --

I just wanted to send you a quick note to follow up on the email my colleague Nick sent you yesterday.

The Chinese Government are oppressing the Uyghur people in north west China, and have even interned over a million of them in camps. Brands that we use every day - like Nike, Adidas and Apple - are making a profit from it by using forced Uyghur labour in their factories.

We are writing to the CEOs of these companies telling them to stop, and so far over 4000 people have co-signed our letter. Will you do something to stand up for the Uyghur people by adding your name now?

Time is running out on this issue. The world can no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Uyghur people.

Help us to do something about it. Help those people who are trapped in camps and being forced to make trainers and phones. Sign the open letter now.

Jemma Levene
HOPE not hate

Take a stand: sign your name