We're launching a Liberty Rush because there's no time to lose
Fellow Conservative,
Let's face it, the Democrats have a lot of momentum right now. They're highly energized in races across the country and are raising massive money -- including extreme Wendy Davis in our district, one of the most radical candidates in the country.
So unless we turn things around, and FAST, we're looking at the very real possibility of Democrats taking FULL CONTROL in November. That means they'd have the White House, Congress (Senate and House), and the Courts.
If the Democrats get everything, here's what it would mean for your rights, liberty and way of life:
>>> Gun Rights -- GONE.
>>> American Heritage -- GONE.
>>> Rule of Law -- GONE.
>>> Hard-Earned Dollars -- GONE.
>>> Parental Rights -- GONE.
>>> Police Officers -- GONE.
>>> Conservative Judges -- GONE.
The election is just over 100 days away and Extreme Liberal Wendy Davis is already ahead by $1.1 MILLION. In addition, the Cook Political Report just officially named this district a "Toss Up." There's no time to lose!