Join Farm Sanctuary

Dear John,

Stop the cruelty to farm animals!

I recently wrote to you about Julia, a pregnant pig who was brutally kicked, beaten, and burned with an electric cattle prod by workers on a factory farm where she was treated as nothing more than a piglet-breeding machine.

When Farm Sanctuary finally rescued her, she was terrified to see us approaching. And who could blame her? Every human she’d ever encountered had hurt her.

Farm Sanctuary is fighting to prevent factory farmers from treating animals like Julia so violently, but we need your help.

Join Farm Sanctuary with a gift of $20 or more to help stop this cruelty and support all of Farm Sanctuary’s relentless efforts to change the way farm animals live in the United States.

As an animal lover, you surely know about shelters that provide safe havens for dogs and cats who have been neglected or abused. At Farm Sanctuary, we offer the same kind of loving treatment and lifelong care to farm animals – plus we mobilize people across the country to help end the abuses taking place on America’s factory farms.

We depend on our members for all this work and hope you’ll join Farm Sanctuary today to help:

  • Stop the slaughter of downed animals. Every year in America, hundreds of thousands of pigs, goats, sheep, and other animals who are too sick, injured, or weak to stand or walk are cruelly cast aside and left to suffer. Those who aren’t thrown out like trash end up being dragged, pushed with forklifts, or even shocked with electric prods to get them onto slaughterhouse floors. We’re working to change the laws and stop the cruelty.
  • Ban cruel confinement systems. For example, approximately 225 million egg-laying hens are confined in cages so small that each bird has only the space of a sheet of paper, and pigs like Julia are packed into cramped metal enclosures only two feet wide. Farm Sanctuary has made great strides toward ending these inhumane confinement practices. But there are billions more farm animals still trapped in factory farm warehouses and cages. Help us speak out!
  • Rescue animals when they need us most. Farm Sanctuary runs the largest rescue and refuge network for farm animals in North America, bringing countless animals to safety each year. At our shelters, our rescued farm animal residents enjoy green pastures, clean barns, and around-the-clock care. Some stay with us their entire lives, while others are placed in safe and peaceful adoptive homes. All are given lives surrounded by love and good care.

These are just some of the ways you’ll help farm animals when you become a Farm Sanctuary member.

Plus, when you join, you’ll enjoy all the special benefits of Farm Sanctuary membership ... a FREE subscription to our newsletter ... ACCESS to the Bed & Breakfast at our New York Shelter ... seasonal VISITS to our sanctuaries ... OPPORTUNITIES to sign petitions and speak out for farm animals ... and SPECIAL ALERTS with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals, urgent rescues, and more.

But, most importantly, when you join Farm Sanctuary, you’ll help animals like Julia who endure the worst cruelties of the factory farm system.

Just eight hours after arriving at our New York Shelter, Julia gave birth to 16 tiny piglets. Instead of being sentenced to a miserable existence in cramped, filthy pens before being slaughtered, Julia’s piglets have grown up safe and free to play in the mud and frolic in green pastures – all because friends like you cared enough to join Farm Sanctuary.

Please help today!

Gene Baur Yours for farm animals,
Gene Baur
Gene Baur
President and Co-founder
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Farm Sanctuary | P.O. Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225
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