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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 21 July


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Campaigners warn of free speech concerns if new hate crime laws are passed - NSS quoted

Opponents of a broad extension of "stirring up" offences claim it is an assault on free speech and should be ditched from when the package is debated at Holyrood.

The Press and Journal


Boris Johnson promises ban on 'gay conversion therapy'

Boris Johnson has pledged to implement a ban on "abhorrent" practices aimed at changing a person's sexual orientation.

Politics Home


Alicia Kearns MP: 'Gay "conversion therapy" is fraudulent and abusive'

Alicia Kearns, Conservative MP for Rutland and Melton, says it's time for legislation outlawing the practice in the UK.



Funding to stop FGM reduced by 76% despite hundreds of new cases each month

Funding to eliminate female genital mutilation (FGM) has been reduced by a "shocking" 76 per cent, triggering accusations that ministers are neglecting its victims.

The Independent


Senior Tories urge Dominic Raab to call Chinese oppression of Uighurs ‘genocide’ and sanction officials

Senior Conservatives have called on Dominic Raab to get even tougher with China and declare there is a "genocide" of the Uighur people taking place.

Politics Home


Mosque forced to close as Imam tests positive after 250-person funeral

A Lancashire mosque where more than 250 mourners attended a funeral last week despite coronavirus restrictions has been forced to close.



Work going ahead on Harrow’s first Islamic free school

The school will open with 60 children across two reception classes in autumn 2020.

London Post


Vatican indicates support to exhume babies at Irish home

The Vatican has indicated its support for a campaign to provide a 'Christian burial' for hundreds of babies and toddlers by first exhuming their bodies from the grounds of a Catholic-run Irish home for unwed mothers.

Mail Online / Associated Press


'Ban religious instruction and teach world religions in NZ schools'

"Religious instruction in New Zealand means teaching the beliefs of Christianity with an endorsement – either implicitly or explicitly – to practice that faith."



'The "perfect Uighur": outgoing and hard working – but still not safe from China's camps'

Beijing claims its re-education camps in Xinjiang are needed to combat Islamic terrorism, but Dilara's experiences tell a different story.

The Guardian


The latest from the NSS


Plans for new faith schools not being properly scrutinised, says NSS

Proposals to open 19 new faith schools in England aren't being properly scrutinised because of a lack of transparency, the NSS has said.


Support our campaigns


Protect free speech in Scotland

New hate crime laws proposed for Scotland may seriously undermine free speech - including the freedom to criticise or satirise religion. Find out more and help us protect free speech in Scotland.


Religion, Values & Ethics, Curriculum for Wales proposals

Welsh government plans would see Religion, Values and Ethics taught in a more pluralistic way. But they fall short of ensuring every pupil gets genuinely balanced and critical RVE. Find out more and help improve the proposals.


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