The stakes on November 3 for our country and planet cannot be overstated.
Donald Trump not only refuses to acknowledge the climate crisis that imperils our future, he has made it worse, by selling out public lands for his fossil fuel pals and discouraging the use of clean energy. He has threatened the safety of outdoor spaces by threatening protesters and calling for more military presence in cities around the country and he has stolen budget dollars to build his wall and grant huge tax breaks to his corporate donors. He has catastrophically worsened the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. And he has propagated and perpetuated the systemic racism that has caused harm to generations of marginalized communities.
He has to go.
As I write, we're amassing the largest volunteer effort in Sierra Club history to demand fundamental and systemic change. Together, we can build power to fight for bold agendas towards a future where all people benefit from a healthy, safe, thriving planet and a direct connection to nature. We have a rock-solid field plan to make millions of phone calls, send thousands of texts and letters, and more—all to ensure that every one of our supporters is able to cast their ballots and make their voices heard in the most consequential election in a generation. And we need your help to do it.
These efforts are so important that a generous donor has pledged to MATCH every gift up to $150,000. Can we count on your support?
Please, rush a generous donation to Sierra Club Independent Action now to help us take back the White House—and protect our planet and our people. All gifts will be MATCHED, so don't wait!
Here's the best part of this unprecedented effort: It won't end on Election Day. On November 4, the energy we build together will translate into advocacy on behalf of legislative climate action, pro-environment cabinet appointments, and other initiatives necessary to immediately roll back the worst abuses of the Trump administration.
Our ability to energize more than 3.8 million grassroots members and supporters puts us in a position to deliver one of the largest field operations of any environmental organization.
But the training, materials, and operationalization required to make this historic endeavor a success will take serious funds. And given Trump's massive war chest and deep pocketed allies—corporate cronies whose wallets have swelled beyond belief thanks to Trump's toxic policies—we simply can't do it without your support.
Please, donate right now and your gift will be matched, DOUBLING your impact on our plan to win back the Senate and White House, keep control of the House, and safeguard our environment for future generations.
Without question, we are up against deep-pocketed special interests and a president who isn't going to loosen his grip on power without a fight. But with your support today, and an outraged public ready to energize and mobilize voters, we can…we must…we will be successful.

Michael Brune
Executive Director
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