Watch tonight's Politics Monday

NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report join Judy Woodruff to discuss the latest political news, including what President Trump is saying about the coronavirus and competitor Joe Biden, whether those messages are resonating with voters and what pandemic legislation to expect from Congress before the school year begins.

How the UK is reopening amid COVID-19 — and what the U.S. can learn

The United Kingdom is entering a new phase of reopening after more than three months in lockdown. Hair salons, movie theaters and the all-important English pubs can finally do business again. The key question now: How will the government get the economy up and running without causing a new surge in cases or deaths? In this episode of America, Interrupted, as the United States struggles with reopening and containing the virus, Ryan Chilcote goes across the pond to explore how one of our closest allies is handling the pandemic — and what others might learn.
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