“Artists have played a leading role in social change movements for centuries.” “Art has the power to connect with people’s hearts as well as their minds ... This campaign will get people thinking and talking and feeling in their guts how much they’ve had enough of this president. And we’ll remind them that the only remedy for that is to vote.” PFAW Member, Ever since the 2016 election, people have been saying that we need to get creative to defeat Donald Trump – so People For the American Way decided to do just that. We just launched the ENOUGH of Trump campaign – a groundbreaking initiative using ART to mobilize the vote against Trump in key presidential battleground states, with special focus on Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. We’re working with some of America’s top artists – Shepard Fairey, Ed Ruscha, and Carrie May Weems, among many others – as well as innovative local artists from our target states. And we’ll be engaging artists (across various art media) and influencers all around the country to push online and offline products, including strategically placed billboards, aimed at getting out the vote against Trump. Using iconic art and promoting the unifying theme of ENOUGH in diverse, creative ways is a potential gamechanger when it comes to building our anti-Trump movement heading into Election Day. We’ve got big names, amazing art pieces, and ambitious goals … but we need your help to make this campaign a success. Will you chip in monthly with a recurring gift of $5, $15, $25 or any amount to fuel our work to defeat Trump and Trump Republicans? Start your pledge today as our newest Defender of Democracy sustaining member and your monthly gift will be 3X-MATCHED for an entire year! Yes, I'll chip in monthly to support this work>> I'm sorry, I cannot make a monthly pledge right now>> The New York Times just gave our campaign a great boost with a profile piece published today: "For Some Artists, Election Season Means ‘Enough of Trump.’" Now we need your help to make this campaign have the biggest impact possible. Due to all the ways we’re being forced to adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic, it will require additional staff time and innovative organizing tools to execute the ENOUGH campaign successfully. Your contribution will fund digital events, videos, coordinated efforts to get out the vote in our target states, advocacy material creation and distribution, and more. You can help make sure that we are as effective as possible in using original art to mobilize voters – even from a distance. Your monthly donation will be 3X-MATCHED for a whole year! Will you chip in monthly to defeat Donald Trump and become a Defender of Democracy today? Yes, I'll chip in monthly to support this work>> I'm sorry, I cannot make a monthly pledge right now>> It’s no secret – we have had ENOUGH of Donald Trump’s bigotry, lies, and corruption. And we need your help to put our plans into action to defeat him this November. We want to use art to fuel this moment and make sure that people across the country know exactly what’s at stake during this election: Our lives. Our economy. And the very soul of our democracy. Remember: monthly sustainer gifts will be triple-matched each month for a whole year. Please give monthly if you can>> Or make a one-time gift here>> Thank you for everything you do! In unity and creativity, Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate