Pub Quiz, yoga, coffee meetups and more!

Dear John,

Netroots Nation is coming up soon and I wanted to give you a few quick updates on some of the social aspects of the conference. We'll miss seeing you in person, but we're working hard to create opportunities for you to connect and have fun virtually.

Click here to get your ticket if you haven’t yet—or forward this email to a friend!

• Our annual Pub Quiz is happening Friday, August 14, at 7pm ET. We'll provide the trivia questions, you’ll form teams (or be formed into them) and convene in breakout rooms to answer them.

• Each morning at 11am ET, you can start your day with a yoga and mindfulness session led by MoveOn's Reggie Hubbard, or with a coffee meetup and livestream of Lizz Winstead's funny and engaging Morning News Dump.

• We know how awesome the hallway conversations are at Netroots, so we're working to re-create those virtually. Each day, we'll have a Virtual Hallway open, where you can pop in and start video conversations with friends old and new.

Still on the fence or don’t have your ticket yet? Click here to register now.

And remember: If you register by this Wednesday, July 22, you'll receive your Netroots care package before the conference begins on August 13. Plus, you'll have a chance to win one of five “golden tickets” that will be randomly placed into boxes. The grand prize is two registrations for Netroots Nation 2021 and 4 nights at our official hotel. We’ll also place tickets good for two free registrations to #NN21 in four additional boxes.

See you online next month!
Eric Thut
Netroots Nation

PS: Curious what events might be happening during the Democratic National Convention? Our friends at DemList are organizing a convention calendar—a free resource to promote events related to the 2020 DNC in late August. Click here to view the calendar or submit an event you or your organization is planning.

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