Hey John -
Today we continue to commemorate the loss of two civil rights heroes. Rest in Power, Congressman John Lewis and Reverend C.T. Vivian. You were both instrumental in the civil rights movement and we will continue the fight for racial justice and equity that you both championed and led throughout your lives. We send out love to all those grieving these great men.
In honor of John Lewis’s legacy, AYD invites you to sign a petition and donate to The John Lewis Bridge Project to help rename the Edmund Pettus Bridge, currently named after a Confederate General and Alabama Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon, to John Lewis Bridge to honor the legacy of Lewis’s passing. John Lewis also left behind a bill to restore the Voting Rights Act on Mitch McConnell’s desk. Let’s put pressure on our leaders to restore the Voting Rights legislation John Lewis spent his life fighting for.
Looking for other ways to get into #GoodTrouble? Check out our upcoming events and action items below.

As we reflect on the impacts of COVID-19 and the movement for Black Lives over the past few months, our membership is often left wondering what more they can do. An important action that you can take is impacting our legislative process through contacting legislators and speaking in open comment sessions.
Governor Northam recently announced that the Virginia General Assembly will be convening on August 18th for a special session to take steps to combat the pandemic, police brutality against Black communities, and workers’ protections. AYD has an advantage in the process of Criminal Justice Reform and Police Reform in the General Assembly since a member of our Arlington Delegation, Del. Patrick Hope HoD-47, chairs the Public Safety Committee in the House of Delegates.
We are encouraging all of our members to take this opportunity to either write to your Delegates and State Senators or speak about issues that you feel strongly about during public meetings of the Joint House Courts of Justice and Public Safety Committees on July 22th, July 29th, and August 6th. The Arlington Young Democrats are committed to not just using the slogans of the Black Lives Matter Movement, but to also push for positive action for meaningful change in our Commonwealth through our legislative process.
To find who your legislators are, please visit whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/
For more information, please visit bit.ly/vahousecalendar or email our vice president, Matt Royer, at [email protected].

Join us on Thursday, July 23rd at 7 pm via AYD’s Facebook Live to learn about the potential reform proposals and how you can help advocate for change! This town hall will feature a panel of distinguished speakers, including State Senator Barbara Favola, House of Delegates Majority Leader Charniele Herring, Delegate Patrick Hope, Commonwealth's Attorney Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, and our moderator, DNC member Atima Omara.
The Virginia General Assembly is convening a special session on August 18th and quick action has been promised on police reform and other aspects of systemic racism in the criminal justice system. Arlington Young Democrats is pleased to play an important role in informing the public about reform efforts the General Assembly will tackle to address police brutality and other criminal justice and civil rights inequities in the commonwealth. We join with Arlington Democrats in stating unequivocally that Black Lives Matter, and we urge our elected officials to take the action necessary to address these wrongs. To view the full press release, click here.
You can watch town hall via our Facebook Live feed: www.facebook.com/arlingtonyoungdemocrats/live

The Arlington Young Dems will be hosting our 2nd virtual general body meeting of the year to promote our activities heading into the 2020 Campaign Election season! Join us on Tuesday, July 28th at 7 pm where we will have a presentation by AYD Campaign Director Ian White with AYD Vice President and Virginia Young Dems Campaign Director Matt Royer.
We will be covering the following:
- Our 2020 campaign targets
- How to campaign virtually in the time of COVID-19
- What you can do to help out our campaign efforts and elect a Democrat to the White House
If you have any questions about the meeting, please feel free to email our vice president, Matt Royer, at [email protected]
Google Meet: meet.google.com/fus-urjc-vau

Are you interested in social media, marketing, graphic design, or website management? Want to learn more about what makes AYD tick? Then Join the AYD Communications Committee. We’d love to help empower our membership to get involved in our messaging and design processes!
If you’re interested, please email our secretary, Maya Jones, at [email protected]
Paid for by Arlington Young Dems
1235 S. Clark St. Suite 207
Arlington, VA 22202
United States
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The Arlington Young Democrats are a group of progressive and liberal individuals who provide an inclusive, growing, and empowering forum for all community members. We believe in: living our Democratic values, electing leaders who embody these values, elevating the voices of young people within the party at the local, state, and federal level, responding to the needs of the people, and furthering outreach and education while developing our future generation of leaders.
Please consider making a contribution to Arlington Young Dems today.
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