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Members of Congress Ask DHS about Covid Patients from Mexico
By Todd Bensman
National old-media outlets had reported that large influxes of severely ill patients who caught Covid-19 in Mexico were clogging California and Arizona hospitals. But as Covid cases have spiked in those states, and in Texas, and the blame was placed on opening bars and lifting limits on Memorial Day gatherings, those media outlets never again referred to their own earlier reporting about the border influx.
H-1B Developments: One Firm Pays for Anti-White Hiring Practices, Another Sued for Anti-Untouchable Discrimination
By David North
The H-1B program is full of many different kinds of discrimination; it not only excludes U.S. citizens and green card holders from jobs, the hiring is heavily tilted to one nation, India; to the southern (and largely Hindu) part of the nation; to the young; and to males. With the hiring being done largely by Indians, is it any surprise that Indian prejudices along caste lines might play a part as well?