Friend --

I couldn’t have been more delighted when my friend Lin-Manuel Miranda agreed to join me for a conversation about the work he’s been doing during the COVID-19 health crisis and over the last few years, including with two Onward Together partners: Latino Victory and Color of Change. And of course, we’ll probably get into our favorite shared subject -- American history.

I hope you’ll join us for this video call at 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 23rd. This is an exclusive event for monthly supporters of Onward Together, but you can secure a spot by starting a monthly contribution today

You're invited to a call with Hillary and Lin-Manuel Miranda

If you’ve got a question for Lin-Manuel or me, we’d love to hear it -- you can submit it after you’ve made a gift. All active monthly donors will be emailed the link to this Zoom call 24 hours in advance.

Start a monthly donation

I’m looking forward to speaking with Lin-Manuel, and to checking in with this team. I hope to see you there.
