Dear John,
If you need any reminder that every vote matters, you don't have to look back far in history. The County Mayor's primary in 2018 was decided by 17 votes. Yep, just 17 votes was the difference.

Natalie and I launched this campaign exactly one year ago to the day. After countless events, dozens of forums, and thousands of doors, it now comes down to you!! Together we can move Knoxville Forward but we must take the first step. Vote! Please tell your neighbors, coworkers, family, friends, and heck, your enemies, we need every vote!!
Today is Election Day, polls are open 8AM-8PM. Remember you must vote at your polling location. Let's make it happen!
I'm Marshall Stair and I need your vote for Mayor!
P.S. Please join us for our election night watch party at Elkmont Exchange at 745 N Broadway starting at 7pm!