Honoring John Lewis and C.T. Vivian; where Portland federal police learned their tactics; Miss Manners misses the point on nonprofit governance
Honoring John Lewis and C.T. Vivian; where Portland federal police learned their tactics; Miss Manners misses the point on nonprofit governance; & more!
Philanthropy needs to be liberated; the principles of “restorative economics” outline how by shifting capital and decision-making, philanthropic liberation may be possible.
Bequest Management by Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD We are dedicated to ensuring that your organization honors your donors’ wishes, accelerates the distribution of their gifts, and maximizes the impact of their generosity.
The courage, discipline, and joy John Lewis exhibited didn’t spring from nowhere. They are part of a spiritual tradition that manifests as faith in beloved community.
As federal agents, in authoritarian fashion, “scoop up” Portland protestors in unmarked vans, remember that these tactics build upon strategies used to detain immigrants.
It would appear that nonprofits are now visible enough for Miss Manners to take notice, but in selecting nonprofit board members, more is required than “civility.”
Ramping Up to A.I. for Major Gift Fundraising Artificial intelligence promises to be a powerful asset for major gift fundraisers. Here’s how to put solid building blocks in place and ramp up for its capabilities.