John --

I've never taken a dime from corporate PACs because I'm beholden to no one but the people of Iowa. Not the lobbyists. Not the special interests.

Just folks like you.

But my opponent can't say the same. In fact, I just saw Feenstra's latest FEC filing -- and more than half of all his fundraising came from PACs last quarter.

That's a whopping $194,500 from PACs.

Iowans can't afford another corporate-sponsored representative. We want serious change, not another Steve King just minus the bigotry.

And we don't have to settle for another representative who puts corporate profit over people. We're running to give Iowans a seat at the table, and we need your help to do it. Can you chip in $5 or more now to help us beat Feenstra's corporate backers?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$194,500 is a lot of money. But who are these Feenstra's supporters?

Well, $10,000 from Koch industries. Over $60,000 from multinational corporations squeezing our farmers out. Over $26,000 from fossil fuel companies.

More of the same. The same corporations are wading into our race to make sure their interests are protected in Congress.

Corporate America has Feenstra's back. Do you have mine, John? Chip in $5, or whatever you can, now to help us beat Feenstra's corporate backers. Standing Tall For All,


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Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102