Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Protests for Black lives in Portland are facing extreme repression. Over the past week, federal officers from the US Marshals Service and the Department of Homeland Security have descended upon the Portland protests, disappearing protesters into unmarked vans with no explanation and using tear-gas, flash-bangs, and pepper spray against residents.

While Trump is using Portland as a test case, we know that it has been Democratic mayors across the country who both use these weapons against protesters and allow the feds to occupy the city. And it is the Democratic controlled Congress that has forked over to the unhinged Trump administration record amounts of money for the Pentagon and renewed dangerous spying and repressive powers, such as the Patriot Act.

Our comrades in Portland need our support. Please follow and boost what’s happening there, through the Portland DSA twitter account. You can also donate to Portland DSA’s mutual aid fund here. And finally, consider joining the protests in Portland if you’re able.


Last Wednesday, Decriminalize Seattle hosted a teach-in about defunding SPD and the 4-point plan, which includes replacing current 911 operations with a civilian-controlled system, scaling up community-led solutions, funding a roadmap to life without policing, and housing for all. We encourage you to watch it here.

Seven out of nine City council members have expressed their support for defunding SPD by 50%, but most of them have only made vague promises. The fight is far from over!

We want a real cut of the SPD and other law enforcement budgets by 50%, not bookkeeping games where money is moved from one department to another, but the same racist, repressive policies remain in place. And just as important, we need an even bigger increase in social services for poor and working class people, and for Black working class communities in particular.

We know that the only way that these council members hear us is if we remain loud, and so we must continue to step up the pressure on them by remaining in the streets and telling them directly.

We encourage you to call, email, and tag your council members on social media, following this sample script from Decriminalize Seattle.


We’ve been able to pressure our local government by taking to the streets, and we’re not stopping. We encourage you to join these upcoming protests and events, and as always, check Slack for DSA protest buddies and meet-ups.

Strike for Collective Justice

SEIU, Movement for Black Lives and the Youth Climate Coalition

Monday, July 20th at 1PM

Meet at Occidental Park and march to City Hall

More information here!

Black Collective Voice

Friday, July 24th @ 6:30PM

Jimi Hendrix Park

Exploration of James Baldwin’s “The Fire Next Time” and film screening of “I’m Not Your Negro”


And don’t miss our Socialist Night School tonight, where we’ll talk about the role the police play in society, and what the fight back looks like!


Still haven't gotten the beautiful Angela Davis T-Shirt printed by the Seattle DSA Afro-Socialists and Socialists of Color Caucus? We still have t-shirts available (in select sizes)! Find the Seattle DSA tent at the Black Collective Voice "Page Engage" event this Friday, July 24, at 6:30pm in Jimi Hendrix Park to pick one up. $20 suggested donation to cover the cost of printing, payable to Seattle DSA on Venmo. Contact Connor Rauch at (206) 661-5452 to inquire about size availability or to request a shirt in advance.

In solidarity,

Seattle DSA

Here are upcoming events:

Winning a 50% cut to the SPD -- Afrosocialists & Socialists of Color Caucus meeting

Time: July 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Venue: Online

The movement for Black lives forced 7 out of 9 Seattle city councilmembers to declare they support defunding the SPD by 50%. This is a big victory! This comes on the heels of our coalition's victory pressuring the council to pass the largest corporate tax in Seattle history, as far as we know, to fund Covid relief and housing! These two victories show the power of organizing mass protests, [Read More]

Socialist Night School

Time: July 20 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom Call)

Socialist Night School is an open course that provides a chance to develop our politics together, regardless of background knowledge or whether you’ve attended a class before. New members and lifelong socialists, all are welcome! To sign up for our mailing list or to find out more, e-mail us at [email protected] ---> RSVP here! [Read More]

Green New Deal/Ecosocialist Caucus: Planning Meeting

Time: July 22 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: Online

Help decide what the next fall and winter will look like for our caucus. We need activists, artists, planners, and agitators to move the Green New Deal forward at every level of government and to advance a just recovery from COVID-19. Make our economy work for people and the planet! Advance a racially-equitable future in a livable world. We will be in-person at a private location, outside and [Read More]

Tenant Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Edificio) - Online Meeting

Time: July 22 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Venue: Online (Zoom Call)

Does your building management take too long to make repairs? Are you concerned that your lease could be illegal? Does your landlord charge you too much rent? You’re not alone. The Tenant Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle area residents, including experienced housing rights activists, who meet every week to teach each other concrete, effective organizing skills to build power at [Read More]

Online: Workplace Organizing Collective (El Grupo para Organizar su Lugar de Trabajo)

Time: July 22 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Venue: Online

Due to coronavirus, we'll be meeting online. Join us on Google Hangouts Are you frustrated that you don't have a voice at work? Are you a freelancer who rarely gets paid on time? Are you working 2 or 3 gigs just to make rent? You're not alone. The Workplace Organizing Collective is a group of Seattle DSA members, including experienced labor organizers, who meet every week to teach each [Read More]

Phonebanking for Mary Ellen Biggerstaff (Solidarity with Olympia DSA)

Time: July 23 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: Online

Solidarity Phone Bank with Olympia DSA! Are you an experienced phonebanker from your days on the Bernie campaign? Want to bring in others to prove to them how easy it is? Come to a phonebank session for Olympia DSA endorsed candidate Marry Ellen Biggerstaff for LD-22! While our own electoral committee shakes the rust off let's make sure we're working together to elect socialists in our nearby [Read More]

SDSA Happy Hour and Social

Time: July 24 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Venue: Online

It's past time that the Chapter had a social! Join us on Friday July 24th for a happy hour via zoom! Whether you're a new member, or someone thinking about joining DSA, or a long-time member, you should stop by and chat! Stop by any time between 6PM and 8PM! RSVP: [Read More]

Critical Pedagogy Reading Group

Time: July 25 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Venue: Online

Join the Seattle DSA Critical Pedagogy Reading Group to discuss bell hooks’ Teaching to Transgress (1994.) bell hook is the pen name of Gloria Jean Watkins, a Black feminist teacher and activist deeply involved in critical pedagogy building on the work of Paulo Freire and influenced by both marxist approaches to pedagogy and Black feminist thought. Her work explores the intersection of race, [Read More]

Phonebanking for Mary Ellen Biggerstaff (Solidarity with Olympia DSA)

Time: July 25 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Venue: Online

Solidarity Phone Bank with Olympia DSA! Are you an experienced phonebanker from your days on the Bernie campaign? Want to bring in others to prove to them how easy it is? Come to a phonebank session for Olympia DSA endorsed candidate Marry Ellen Biggerstaff for LD-22! While our own electoral committee shakes the rust off let's make sure we're working together to elect socialists in our nearby [Read More]

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