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Dear John,

To have a dignified and productive future, the working animals of Fez need you.

Already devastated by a severe lack of veterinary care, brutal working conditions and poor animal husbandry, local equids are facing a new deadly foe in COVID-19.

Scarce work due to the crisis means it’s more difficult for owners to care for and feed their animals. Safety restrictions mean it’s more expensive and difficult for us to treat them.

But the work of the American Fondouk will continue because it must continue. To learn firsthand how we’re coping, and how you’re making a life-saving difference, read:

Your gift to American Fondouk may never be more important. Please help us continue to provide free veterinary care and end needless suffering.

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Sig

Dr. Gigi Kay


P.S. Please know that your gift will go to work immediately! It’s urgent that we hear from you today. Any gift you send will help build a life-saving future a world away.

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