For police accountability, we need to look critically at the role of police unions and the laws for which they have lobbied around the country that make it harder to discipline misbehaving officers.
The United States government is harming its own industries, making the country less competitive and attractive for businesses who employ millions of Americans.
People are proposing that we bulldoze urban freeways because they are supposedly racist when in fact they are the epitome of anti‐racism, being open to everyone who has a car whether that car is a Rolls‐Royce or a Yugo.
If voters supported the taxes necessary to fund the Medicaid expansion, states would have enacted and paid for it themselves without the feds picking up 90 percent of the cost.
It is difficult to explain why the U.S. government, typically so sanctimonious in lecturing the rest of the world on liberty and morality, ended up backing one of the world’s most oppressive nations in a blatant war of aggression.