Face Masks While Carrying

This past week, the face mask while carrying topic has popped up on social media for a third time after making the rounds in early May and late June. MCRGO has had more inquiries on this issue than any other in recent months. And they keep coming.

Michigan Compiled Laws 750.396 says, "A person who intentionally conceals his or her identity by wearing a mask or other device covering his or her face for the purpose of facilitating the commission of a crime is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both."

Consequently, a person legally carrying a firearm while wearing a face mask who is not facilitating the commission of a crime is not subject to the legal penalties for wearing a face mask in Michigan. While the false information spreading online appears to be targeting mask requirements, it has the unfortunate effect of deterring people from carrying outside the home for self defense.
Do Not Patronize While Armed: View current listings.
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