In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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There is a general liberalising trend on blasphemy laws in liberal democracies. But despite the abolition of outdated laws, a culture of freedom is failing
to take hold.
A new report paints a chilling picture of how 'conversion therapy' – attempts to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity – occurs in at least
80 countries worldwide.
A federal judge will today issue a ruling to determine whether the US state of Missouri's new law banning abortions at or after eight weeks of pregnancy
would take effect as scheduled this week.
Bangladesh's top court has ruled that women need no longer declare if they are virgins on marriage certificates after a five-year legal battle by women's
rights groups trying to protect women's privacy and potential humiliation.
With a president who levels accusations about Jews and who encourages his fans to mistrust the mainstream media, a growing number of US evangelicals are
finding anti-Jewish beliefs online.
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