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We don’t think anyone can deny it – 2020 hasn’t been what we expected. 

This pandemic has taken its toll on all of us and that’s layered on top of conversations on important topics on race that have the attention of all Hoosiers. 

There’s a lot going on right now. With these issues at play, this November’s election is slated to be one of the most important in our nation’s history.

You’ve been identified as one of our top Indiana GOP supporters. As a Hoosier who is actively involved in the political process, we want to get a read on where your thoughts are.

Will you take just a minute of your time to fill out our 2020 election survey?

Take the survey! >>
It’s important for us to know what’s important to YOU as we support our entire Republican team across Indiana. 

Are you concerned with the economy, or providing health resources to continue fighting COVID-19? Bringing jobs back from China, or balancing the national debt? Something else?

It only takes a minute or two to respond, and it really helps us out so much!

Thanks for your time and input.

- Indiana Republican Party
Take the survey! >>
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