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Dear Supporter,

Thank you to everybody who participated in our latest Sunday Survey, sent out to our registered supporters last week. 
Having been delighted with the response to our first survey on Covid-19, this week we focused on our current and future relationship with China. As a result, we have seen even more of you click through to share your thoughts with our party over the last seven days.

As we did last time, we want to share with you the headlines from the responses we had back, so that you can see some of the invaluable feedback making its way through to Nigel and Richard.
It’s clear that an overwhelming majority of our supporters have deep concerns about the ways in which the Chinese state might be able to influence and control Britain and our infrastructure in the future.
92% of you believe that the Covid-19 pandemic justifies a more cautious, questioning approach to our relationship with China, with less than 1% of you happy with Chinese companies like Huawei being allowed to participate in the building and operating of key infrastructure projects.
Expanding on that, less than 4% of you are comfortable with any non-UK firms being allowed to be a major UK infrastructure or utility provider, although 35% of you were happy with such firms being allowed some, limited participation.
91% of you were unhappy with Chinese firm Jingye acquiring British Steel earlier this year, with nearly 80% of you believing British Steel should be nationalised if there are attempts to move jobs and work to China in the future.
Keeping Britain’s key infrastructure and utility projects in British hands was a key theme in the feedback from this week. 
Away from China, nearly 82% of you have lost faith in the World Health Organisation over the Covid-19 pandemic, believing that the UK should either reduce its financial contributions or stop them altogether.
Protecting the British fishing industry remains a high priority for our supporters, with over 98% of you believing it right to walk away from negotiations with the EU rather than overly compromise on Britain’s fishing interests.

Finally, when it comes to the BBC, nearly 93% of you think that it’s time to replace the compulsory license fee with a new arrangement. You’ll be pleased to know that there will be plenty more to say on the media in our third survey next week!

This is one of the largest surveys of its kind taking place in British politics today and that’s all down to your willingness to participate. A huge thank you to you for that.
We’ll look forward to sending you our next Sunday Survey this time next week! 
The Brexit Party Team

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Promoted by Paul Oakden on behalf of The Brexit Party, at 83 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HW

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