A Statement on the Passing of Civil Rights Icon John Lewis

The Young Democrats of Georgia deeply mourns the passing of the civil rights icon John Lewis. He was nothing short of a courageous leader and a strong fighter for change. 


If there's one thing that is true, John Lewis fought with peace, love, and respect for everyone -- all because he saw a vision bigger than hate. 


He fought for what he believed, no matter the consequences because he knew the cause was more significant than him. Congressman Lewis embodies what it means to be someone of honor and selflessness because he dedicated his life to making our country better. 


He believed that, "if you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it," and it is up to us to live up to his legacy. 

We must realize that John Lewis sacrificed so much for our country out of pure love. It takes a strong person to be beaten, jailed, and almost killed -- he strived not only for his equality but also for others. Congressman John Lewis stood up to the seemingly insurmountable injustices of our country. His legacy shows us that together we can overcome them.


For those in the fight for change, we must carry on Congressman Lewis' legacy. We need to get up and fight; we need to love each other. We must spend time learning about each other, and spend our life helping each other. We must not be complacent with the world's injustices because Congressman Lewis wanted better for the world. He knew right from wrong and knew that if we are quiet, there is no progress.


We live one life. We get one chance to make our lives meaningful, and we get one chance to flourish and impact our world. We must speak out and fight against injustices that are not right, just, nor fair.


In honor of Congressman John Lewis, the icon, the hero, the civil rights leader -- let's fight the good fight and get into some good trouble.


May he rest in peace, love, and power just as he brought unto the world.



The Young Democrats of Georgia


Rachel Paule

President, Young Democrats of Georgia


Jaylan Scott

Executive Vice President, Young Democrats of Georgia


Hannah Perkins

National Committee Representative, Young Democrats of Georgia


Eduardo Aviles

National Committee Representative, Young Democrats of Georgia


Charlotte Collins

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia Women's Caucus


Bhavin Patel

President, College Democrats of Georgia


Harry Underwood

Secretary, Young Democrats of Georgia


Elisabeth Malloy

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia Disability Caucus


Sophie Lee

Chair, High School Democrats of Georgia


Megan Payne

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia LGBTQ Caucus


Joe Rocheleau 

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia Rural Caucus


Ben Amis

Vice President of Membership, Young Democrats of Georgia


Alaina Reaves

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia, Black Caucus

Zana Malas

Vice President of Finance, Young Democrats of Georgia 

Susana Durán

Chair, Young Democrats of Georgia Latinx Caucus 

Brit Eames
Vice President of Programs, Young Democrats of Georgia

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