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These past several months we have relied on the bravery and teamwork of our front line workers.
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These past several months we have relied on the bravery and teamwork of our front line workers.

Our health care professionals, first responders, public transit workers, and so many others have worked tirelessly and put their lives on the line to combat this pandemic.

Add your name and show your support for our front line workers! >>>

As we continue to battle this global crisis, strong leaders like our front line workers are responsible for giving families across the country back their peace of mind.

And, these leaders deserve our heartfelt thanks as they wake up every day and head into a world of uncertainty!

That’s why I am reaching out to you today and asking for you to join me in support of these heroic men and women. Will you add your name, John?

Without our front line workers, stores would be closed, hospitals would be overrun, and grocery stores would be completely out of stock.

Signing the petition today will go a long way in showing these heroes that you are grateful for everything they continue to do for the American people during this crisis.


Pat Toomey


Paid for by Friends of Pat Toomey, Inc.

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