Hi John,

As our neighbors prepare to vote, as we each sit down to take part in our democracy, we have to compare the candidates.

Who will best represent us? Who can win?

I will always stay true to our values and serve with transparency and accountability. In fact, I am the only candidate in this race who has taken the official Town Hall pledge.

I promise to always protect us and build a strong, sustainable economy. With my background in business and technology, I am the only one truly ready to lead a people-first coronavirus recovery.

And I can beat Schweikert.

The foundation is in place thanks to all of your support and hard work over the last three years. Plus, the pledges of support for after the primary are locked in. We are ready!

Now, I am asking you to continue to spread the word.

It is so important we choose the right nominee. Not one who will be attacked because she doesn't live here. Not one without the congressional campaign experience we need to beat Rep. Schweikert.

We need an organizer with a proven track record.

Here are the facts (click to view larger)

I hope you'll join our movement today and share this with 5 other voters. Will you help?

Let's bring change to Arizona's 6th together.

Wishing you a strong Saturday.

Thank you for voting and stay safe,
-Anita Malik