
We’re in a bind. As you know, our campaign is investing heavily in a college canvass program where we hire students to walk neighborhoods to talk to voters and they are also organizing the conservative movement on their campus through clubs and events.

Well, students have been arriving back to campus and our recruiters have nearly 60 more students asking to work for the campaign than we have funds in the budget.

I don’t want to turn these college students away! This program is key to us not only contacting voters to win our district but to fighting the outrageous liberal bias on college campuses in our region.

Can you sponsor one of our students with a contribution today?


For every $250 we raise, we can fund a student for a full week & and $50 gets us a day! Every contribution will help us – but I need to know how many we can fund today so we can hire them and not turn them away.

Please do whatever you can!


Carl DeMaio

PS: This program is the best way for us to infiltrate college campuses and get conservative students the support and network they need to organize and band together. Please help us make it a big success so we can then take the program statewide and national!

Secure contribution link