What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Dear John,

Strike for Black Lives Matter is a nationwide call to action for Monday, July 20. There are several actions you can take, including walking off on the job, attending a rally, or taking a knee for George Floyd wherever you are.

This Week @CPUSA: The economic crisis worsens. Is there enough pressure to pass the HEROES Act? 

Why we need to fight for the HEROES Act: An editorial.

Staying Alive: The Crisis in Connecticut talks about the economic crisis there and around the country.

The struggle for LGBTQ equality is discussed in this webinar.

July 26: The next Marxist class will feature a discussion of 21st-century imperialism, including the sovereignty of nations, the global working class, building the anti-imperialist and peace movements, and more. Join us! 

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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