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This week, I’ve continued on my 99 County Tour to hear directly from Iowans about the issues that are most important to them. Traveling from county to county, I’ve been hearing from community leaders, health care professionals, farmers, steel workers, manufacturers, medical providers, and so many more Iowans to discuss how we can continue to support them during these challenging times.


Click here or on the image above to read more about my visit with farmers and producers to Delaware County.

This week, I saw firsthand the hard work of folks across our state and how important products made in America are for Iowa and our nation’s economy. That’s why I’m working to bring manufacturing home and help create even more jobs for Iowans.

As folks safely get back to work, I’m fighting for additional relief for our essential workers, farmers and producers, rural hospitals, and families in the next COVID-19 relief package. 

Here’s what else I’ve been working on this week:   

Expanding Access to Child Care 

Even before COVID-19, Iowa was facing a child care crisis. As a mom and having spoken to so many of Iowa’s families and child care providers, I’ve made addressing this crisis a top priority and have continued to work across the aisle to ensure Iowans have access to quality, affordable child care.


Click here or on the image above to read more about my visit to Ringgold County.

As Iowans are safely getting back to work, it’s critical we ensure families have access to child care and our providers have the support they need. That’s why I’ve introduced a new proposal to provide assistance for child care providers in Iowa so they can continue to offer services for working moms and dads during COVID-19.

The Back to Work Child Care Grants Act of 2020 supports our economic recovery and helps parents get back to work. The bill provides critical resources to help child care providers reopen and stay open. It also requires all providers receiving assistance to follow state and local health and safety guidelines and helps them acquire PPE and other equipment and supplies necessary to comply with safety measures – ensuring our kiddos are cared for in a safe environment.

Fighting for Diaper Assistance for Iowa Families

A clean diaper is a basic, essential element for protecting the health and well-being of every young child. Unfortunately, during the pandemic we’ve seen an increased demand for diapers, but a decreased supply at our diaper banks, often due to stockpiling. Our workers and families should not have to worry about having access to diapers, and that’s what I’m working to address.


Click here or on the image above to watch a video from my visit to the drive-through diaper bank in Davenport.

After taking part in a drive-through diaper distribution in Davenport this week, I saw firsthand the importance of supporting Iowans in need of diaper assistance so they can provide for the health, safety, and economic security of their kiddos. That’s why I’m continuing to fight for diaper assistance in the next COVID-19 relief package.

Addressing Sexual Misconduct at the VA

Sexual harassment at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is alarming and completely unacceptable. That’s why I’m continuing to urge VA Secretary Robert Wilkie to make preventing and addressing sexual harassment a top priority at the agency.

I previously requested a Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of the VA’s efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment of its employees. This week, GAO released that report and revealed troubling deficiencies in their policies to prevent and address cases of sexual harassment. 

Sexual misconduct is unacceptable in any workplace – let alone at the VA who is responsible for providing care and benefits to our veterans. As a combat veteran and survivor of sexual assault, I’m calling on the VA to expedite the implementation of GAO’s seven recommendations to address sexual harassment throughout the agency.


Click here or on the image above to read more about my efforts to hold perpetrators accountable.

For more updates on what’s happening in Washington, D.C. and Iowa, be sure to ‘Like’ my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter @SenJoniErnst, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Thank you!
