From Julie McCarty <[email protected]>
Subject True Texas Project: Growing... and needing help!
Date July 17, 2020 11:15 PM
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Aug 10

Situational Awareness (Tarrant)

Aug 11

Situational Awareness (Denton)

Sep 14

Prepping For
Next Session: partners in
the battle

Sep 15

Denton hosts
Prepping For Next Session:

partners in

Oct 12

Prepping For
Next Session: Tinderholt
&amp; Malone

Oct 13

Denton hosts
Prepping for Next

Session: Tinderholt
&amp; Malone

Nov 9

Prepping For
Next Session:

Empower Texans

Nov 10

Denton hosts
Prepping For

Next Session: Empower Texans

Dec 14

Christmas Party

Jan 11

Pastors Panel

Jan 12

Denton hosts
Pastors Panel

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at
6000 Hawk Ave, NRH
and the second Tuesdays of every month
in Denton County
5:30 - Prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - Meeting begins
8:00 - Meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various
restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday
of most months.

Watch the calendar!



True Texas Project is a-blowin' and a-goin'!  No virus has slowed us down!  Our numbers at every meeting are way up, and we are getting new folks signing up for our information in droves.  Now we need more help!  Here are three ways...

1.  At the July meeting we had a record number of youth in the childcare area!  I cannot tell you how much joy that brings me!

Educated parents lead to educated kids.  Until recently, parents did not feel comfortable bringing kids to a meeting and expecting them to stay quiet.  Now they can let their kids play under supervision in a separate room, while they themselves listen to our speakers.  Sweet! 

Of course, with more kids brings a need for more volunteers.  If you are willing to spend a meeting or part of a meeting helping us out with the childcare, please email [email protected].  You wouldn't need to do it every month!  We can rotate people around.  It's really just a supervisory roll.  The childcare is stocked with toys, games, dvds, etc. 

2.  The second opportunity to volunteer is with the Jeff Cason campaign.  True Texas Project has a reputation as an active group, so it makes sense candidates would come to us for help. 

Jeff is the Republican nominee for House District 92 (formerly Jonathan Stickland's district).  They are looking for folks to make calls from the comfort of an air conditioned room!  LOL  This is not a call for blockwalkers.  Phew!  If you can help out, please email [email protected].

3.  We are always looking for citizen advocates to help us get our message across in Austin and even locally! 

If you are interested in playing a more active role in the legislative efforts we make, whether it be going to Austin, calling your representatives, sending emails, posting on social media, etc, this is a great time to jump in.  We are beginning to prepare for the next legislative session that starts in January!  Please email [email protected]

Our group is only successful because of the grassroots activists we have that are willing to actually DO something.  Thank you so much!  I'm proud to serve with you.

Julie McCarty
True Texas Project CEO

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