Hi John, 

Two months to go!

In this email I'm talking about my top five for the election this year:

  • The economy,
  • Transport,
  • Education,
  • Health, and
  • The environment.

There's also an opportunity to come and hear Judith Collins speak, and some highlights from my last month. But first...

Elephant in the room: Clearly it's been an interesting month, and while our thoughts are with Todd and his family, I'm looking forward to campaigning and working with Judith Collins. We are a strong, focused team with a great mix of experience and fresh blood (like me). I know we need to work hard over the next two months to demonstrate this again, and show you that the last couple of weeks are not what define us, but rather it is the leadership and ideas we bring to help New Zealand recover from Covid and get our country working again.

Campaign 2020 is go!

Thank you to those who joined us at the campaign launch in Ōtaki - it was a full house with standing room only, and fantastic to have Gerry Brownlee as our guest for the day.

If you missed it, here are the top things I'm campaigning on this year:

1. Electing a National Government to lead New Zealand out of Covid. I believe only National can bring the economic leadership we need to get our economy moving and growing. This is not because National care about money, this is because we believe in all the things Kiwis treasure like quality education, healthcare, and infrastructure. That all costs money, and it is the strong economy National can deliver that funds the world class public services that Kiwis deserve.

2. Transport. National will build the Ōtaki to North of Levin Expressway, with four lanes, and we won't wait ten years to do it. Everyone I talk to knows how much we need this, we all want it done fast, we all want certainty for affected land-owners, we all want to save not just time but lives (26 over 20 years). I just cannot understand why Labour cancelled it then only partially re-introduced it after our petition. History tells us that a ten year delay will cost us at least 13 more lives, and I just won't tolerate that. CLICK BELOW to watch and find out and more.

I'm also fighting hard to get the Pekapeka Interchange fixed so you can enter and exit both ways, and commuter rail north of Waikanae. More to follow on this soon.

3. Education. National will build a new school in Waikanae, near the beach. We are the only party that has committed the funding for this. I also believe in better vocational pathways, starting from a young age, so your kids and mine can find a career they're passionate about, and have hope for the future.

4. Health. I believe we can do better. I'm fighting for more health services in our community. We know patients have better outcomes when they get treatment closer to home, and I'd like to see a greater level of ED/triage closer to home, as well as day services (which could include renal, transfusions, chemo etc). My dad was lucky he could get treatment close enough to home so mum could support him. If he lived here in Waikanae with us, that wouldn't have been the case. We also need to attract more GPs to our region, as half our GPs will be retiring in the next ten years. Now is the time to plan for our future.

5. Environment. One really practical project I'm fully in behind is the Foxton River Loop. I'm disappointed that the Government didn't fund the full Phase One costs. This project is exactly the kind of thing we should be supporting: good for the environment, and good for the economy. I've been speaking to the trust, local community boards, councillors, and the Mayor and CEO of HDC to push this again, and I'll be fighting for it in Parliament if elected. CLICK BELOW to learn more.

What I've been up to

I've had a busy month here knocking on doors, visiting local businesses, speaking to community groups and much more. I've also hosted Simon Bridges, Nicola Willis, Simeon Brown and Chris Penk. I also got my first dog bite while out knocking on doors!

I was also very honoured to be awarded the Defence Meritorious Service Medal this week, which is the highest award the Chief of the Defence Force can give out. This was for my work founding and running a charity called The Missing Wingman Trust, which looks after Air Force families. They are a great charity and I'll keep supporting them whatever the outcome in September.

Where you can join us:

Over the next month I'll be hosting Judith Collins, Mark Mitchell, Chris Bishop, Melisa Lee and Brett Hudson. You can join us at one of these events:

Lunch with Mark Mitchell (This Monday)

Judith Collins in Waikanae (free) (Aug 3rd)

An evening with Judith Collins (fundraiser) (Aug 3rd)

Firearms legislation public meeting with Brett Hudson (This Thursday)

I'd love you to join me at any of these, but I don't believe MPs should wait until you can make it to see them, so you'll see me out in the community, making myself available to each and every one of you. Please say hi!

I'm working hard to earn the right to be your next MP, and this is the relentless work ethic you can expect from me. I'm grateful for all the support I've had over the last eight months, and I'm asking for your support come September.

Tim Costley

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