Here's what you can do support transit funding.



Imagine contracting COVID-19 just because you needed to ride the bus to get groceries – and our leaders failed to do what is needed to keep transit safe.

For our communities – and many of you – it is not an imaginary scenario. It is just daily life. Black and brown communities disproportionately rely on public transit to get to work, access their daily necessities, and more. Unsafe transit puts communities of color at greater risk when the COVID-19 pandemic is already creating massive damage.

Leaders in Washington are debating upcoming COVID-19 relief packages even as you read this. We are calling for $32 billion to get our transit agencies across the nation through 2021. Without greater funding, we will see more service cuts and inadequate health protections. We cannot afford to let our transit system roll back now. Can you tweet your senators right now and demand they fund safe transit?

Safe transit saves lives. Tweet your senators now.

Want to learn more about safe transit? Take a moment to watch the recording of our recent Transit Equity Town Hall, where a group of powerhouse advocates and transit agency representatives connected the dots between racial equity, transit equity, and economic equity, and lifted up real solutions to ensure a better transportation future.

Dream Corps Green For All is fighting for safe transit, while our other programs – Dream Corps #cut50 and Dream Corps TECH – are pushing to protect incarcerated people from COVID-19 and to diversify the tech sector. Together as one community, we are working to make sure America emerges from this pandemic better than we were before.

Thank you for standing with us!
The Dream Corps Green For All team

P.S. – Safe transit will save lives. So will protecting people behind bars from COVID-19. In this pandemic, our work has taken on a new urgency. Will you chip in to help with a tax-deductible donation to Dream Corps?


Copyright © 2020 Dream Corps
436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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