The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, providing the most important feminist news of the week. It is made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today

Dear John,

This week, after a protracted court battle, a federal judge ruled that those seeking medication abortion can receive the abortion pill by mail during the coronavirus pandemic, citing the FDA restrictions on accessing the pill as a burden that could be seen as unconstitutional. In a new study by Pew Research, young, college educated women who lean Democrat are most likely to use the term "feminist" to describe themselves, but a majority of women across educational and generational lines see the term favorably. Colorado became the 11th state to ban the homophobic "gay panic" defense in court rooms, in which defendants use their fear of homosexuality to excuse violence against LGBTQ people. 

In an ICE dentention facility in Virginia, three-fourths of detainees tested positive for COVID-19 which highlights ICE's inhumane failure to respond appropriately to protect the health and safety of migrants being kept in its facilities. The Trump administration has proposed a new rule that will eliminate the ability to receive asylum in the United States due to gender-based violence in their home countries, putting refugees fleeing domestic violence and intimate partner abuse at risk. In a victory for the Affordable Care Act, a judge has blocked a rule requiring healthcare providers to bill abortion services seperately, citing that the rule presented an "unreasonable barrier" to healthcare access. 

These stories and other important feminist news are linked below. 


Federal Judge Rules Doctors Can Distribute Abortion Pills by Mail

A federal judge ruled Monday that patients seeking the abortion pill do not need to visit a doctor in-person to obtain the pill during the coronavirus pandemic.


Young, College-Educated, Democratic Women: You are Most Likely A Feminist

A new Pew Research study, conducted during March and April, confirms that age, education level, and political affiliation can indicate whether or not someone identities as a feminist.


Colorado Bans LGBTQ+ Panic Defense in Courtrooms

Colorado has become the 11th state to ban the LGBTQ+ “panic defense.” On Monday, Governor Jared Polis signed the bill into law, prohibiting defendants from using the gender identity or sexual orientation of a victim to excuse their behavior in the courtroom.


Three-Fourths of Detainees in ICE Detention Center Test Positive for COVID-19

COVID-19 outbreaks in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers have continued to grow with alarming speed. In Farmville, a Virginia ICE detention center, all those held at the facility were tested for COVID-19 after a number of new detainees tested positive for the virus.


Trump’s Anti-Asylum Rule Will Harm Refugees Fleeing Gender Violence

In June, the Trump administration proposed a new rule that would make it virtually impossible for refugees to obtain asylum status in the United States.


Federal Judge Blocks Affordable Care Act Abortion Payment Requirement
A federal judge blocked a new Affordable Care Act (ACA) abortion requirement. The regulation was announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2019 and would have required ACA healthcare providers to issue a separate bill for abortion coverage.

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