Healthcare in this country has been in crisis for a long time -- long before the coronavirus even began. And months into this pandemic, as Republicans plan to strip millions of Americans of care, it's only getting worse.
Healthcare is a human right, period. But the Trump Administration doesn't think so, and is working to eliminate healthcare coverage for millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic. We can't let these repeated attacks on our healthcare system stand. Working families deserve representatives who will fight to protect accessible and affordable coverage for all, and I'm proud to have always been that leader.
Will you donate $100, $50, or $25 to my re-election today so I can continue defending our health? >>> [[link removed]]
No one in America who is sick, regardless of their employment, insurance, or immigration status, should be afraid to seek the medical treatment they need during this pandemic -- or ever. We need to treat the healthcare crisis like the emergency it is.
[PROTECT OUR HEALTHCARE] >>> [[link removed]]
I've been fighting for this for a long time, and I won't stop until our healthcare system finally prioritizes patient care and public health over the pockets of big pharma and healthcare CEOs. Right now, I have a Republican opponent who wants to do exactly the opposite. I'm doing everything in my power to fight back and protect our healthcare. Will you join me by supporting my re-election today? >>> [[link removed]]