From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves Forward
Date July 17, 2020 7:10 PM
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MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead-BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES
Moves Forward

Please give to Legal Defense Fund here
-earmark your gift to our New
York Times litigation!

**See also:**The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I
Are Suing For Libel


It's been just over four months since I published my detailed

of why I, as Editor of tiny, am taking the fraught step of
suing the mighty

**New York Times** for libel. In the interim, the world has gone
mad-and the

**New York Times** even madder. This

**,**in my humble opinion, has made

**Brimelow vs. New York Times**even more important.

For example, in a truly weird development, the

**New York Times** management capitulated to a crazed staff revolt over
its publication of an Op-Ed

**by****a sitting U.S. Senator**


**entirely legitimate possibility** that President Donald J. Trump might

**his legal option** to invoke the Insurrection Act
Black Lives Matter rioters.

And it threw its Editorial Page Editor James Bennet, a certified

and himself the brother of a U.S. Senator and the son of a Holocaust
under the 8th Avenue subway car.

BREAKING: even weirder, Bari Weiss
, right, an

**NYT** Op-Ed editor and columnist, just posted
on her website [July 15,
2020] a scathing letter of resignation from the

**NYT,** saying:

...the lessons that ought to have followed the [2016] election-lessons
about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of
resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to
a democratic society-have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus
has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that
truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy
already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone

Weis even alleged that, although she's a Jewish bisexual

[m]y own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant
bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a
Nazi and a racist

It really looks like the inmates have taken over the asylum at the

**New York Times**.

So it might seem the

**NYT**has more important problems than the fact that it violated its
own guidelines by refusing to acknowledge it stealth-edited a reference
to me to remove its smear that I am an "open white nationalist," or
that it has subsequently escalated its libels of me-incredibly, even
after being warned we proposed legal action-to include anti-Semitism
and white supremacism.

**But in fact it has no more important problems**. Precisely because the

**NYT**, like the rest of the Main Stream Media, have increasingly
interpreted the U.S. Supreme Court's disastrous 1964

**Sullivan** decision as a license to lie, and not just about apparently
powerless Politically Incorrect groups like my, political
debate in the U.S. has come unmoored from any consideration of truth and
increasingly spun out of control. The ironic result: the

**New York Times**itself, and the Establishment Left

in general,

are now being consumed

by Woke golems

and dybbuks that they

themselves have enabled

As the poet W.B. Yeats put it,

reproaching himself for the savagery of the Irish Civil War


**We had fed the heart on fantasies**


**The heart's grown brutal from the fare.**

On May 26, we filed our final amended complaint. You can read it here
. On
June 18 the

**New York Times,**asked U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Polk Failla

to dismiss the case. You can read its motion here
We must respond by July 21-next Tuesday. The

**New York Times** gets to reply, by August 4. Judge Failla will then
rule sometime after that.

I invite comments from readers on these arguments, especially our lawyer
readers.(Email me here
, our
lawyer Frederick C. Kelly here
In the past, such comments have proved very useful and we've been very
grateful for them. does not, to put it mildly, have the resources of the

**New York Times**. But the miracle of the internet makes patriotic Open
Source litigation possible-

**for as long as we can stay online** (see below).

Our amended complaint adds the

**New York Times**' latest smear-on May 5 it published an article
(**Facebook Says It Dismantles Disinformation Network Tied to Iran's
State Media**,

Reuters, May 5, 2020, archived on May 10, now disappeared
from the NYT site
blithely escalating its smears of by describing us as "white

As I said in my earlier

**Sin Of Sullivan**article

**,**it was hammered into me throughout my 40 years in the Main Stream
Media that continuing an editorial campaign against someone who has
already warned you of a pending libel action-let alone intensifying
the campaign-could be considered evidence of "malice

Evidently this is not a lesson now inculcated in the

**New York Times'** Woke newsroom.

But, needless to say, the added part in our final complaint that
personally delights me addresses the interesting fact (which I had
earlier modestly failed to bring to our lawyer's attention) that in
1995 the

**New York Times** had, not once but twice, respectfully reviewed my
book **Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration


****from which my website is directly descended.

Our lawyer writes:

Plaintiff has had a long and distinguished career as a writer and
journalist.  He was a business writer and editor at the "Financial
Post," "Maclean's," "Barron's," "Fortune," "Forbes"
(where he attained the position of senior editor), and "National
Review"; and his book

**Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster** was
a bestseller.

Indeed, Defendant had implicitly acknowledged the important contribution
Brimelow had made to public debate in America with said

**Alien Nation** when Defendant chose to review

**Alien Nation** not once, but twice within the same week, a practice
which Defendant usually reserves only for works it considers especially
Specifically, Defendant reviewed

**Alien Nation** not once, but twice within the same week, between April
16, 1995 and April 19, 1995: Nicholas Lemann, **Too Many Foreigners,**
REVIEW, April 16, 1995, at 3, section 7; and Richard Bernstein, **The
Immigration Wave: A Plea to Hold Back**

**,** NEW YORK TIMES, April 19, 1995, at 17, section C.

Neither review detected any kind of race hatred or what the Defendant
has lately claimed as "White Nationalism."
However, the second review published by Defendant was especially
complimentary. Mr. Brimelow's writing was declared "powerful and
elegant." Far from denigrating Alien Nation as "White Nationalist" and
"Racist and Divisive," Defendant's review was lavish in its praise of
Brimelow's work, stating inter alia:

Specifically, Defendant reviewed

**Alien Nation** not once, but twice within the same week, between April
16, 1995 and April 19, 1995: Nicholas Lemann, **Too Many Foreigners,**
REVIEW, April 16, 1995, at 3, section 7; and Richard Bernstein, **The
Immigration Wave: A Plea to Hold Back**

**,** NEW YORK TIMES, April 19, 1995, at 17, section C.

Neither review detected any kind of race hatred or what the Defendant
has lately claimed as "White Nationalism."

However, the second review published by Defendant was especially
complimentary. Mr. Brimelow's writing was declared "powerful and
elegant." Far from denigrating Alien Nation as "White Nationalist" and
"Racist and Divisive," Defendant's review was lavish in its praise of
Brimelow's work, stating inter alia:

* "Mr. Brimelow's personality also comes through, and it is entirely

* "...Mr. Brimelow has made a highly cogent presentation of what is
going to be the benchmark case against immigration as it is currently
taking place. Those who think that the system needs no fixing cannot
responsibly hold to that position any longer unless they take Mr.
Brimelow's urgent appeal for change into account."

* "The strong racial element in current immigration has made it more
than ever before a delicate subject. It is to Mr. Brimelow's credit that
he attacks it head on, unapologetically."

[Paragraph numbering omitted, emphasis and links added]

"Mr. Brimelow's personality also comes through, and it is entirely
engaging"! To quote
Winnie the
Pooh- "that
of bear

What has changed since 1995, of course: the immigration debate, at that
point dormant for some thirty years, has since come back to life with a
vengeance. And the American Left-which emphatically includes the

**New York Times**- has bet everything on repressing this debate until
the post-1965 immigration disaster

succeeds in Electing A New People

That, and only that, is the reason I'm no longer considered
"entirely engaging."


We will comment on the

**New York Times'** Motion To Dismiss when we file our full response.
(I will say, however, that it relies on the "license to lie"
argument mentioned above and discussed below in the context of OAN's
suit against Rachel Maddow).

Other developments since my April 3 announcement of our suit against the

**New York Times** have further proved our contention in our brief that
allegations of "white nationalism," "white supremacy," etc. etc.
are not mere harmless joshing, but in today's Woke world have
devastating real-world consequences.

* On May 5, Facebook terminated, without warning or explanation
,'s account and my personal account (which I had barely used
for a couple years because I got bored with Facebook's flagrant

More importantly to us, Facebook also terminated my wife Lydia's
personal account, which she
began when she was a student at Loyola University in Chicago and which
was completely non-political, containing graduation pictures, wedding
baby pictures, baby vignettes and conversations with personal friends
dating back to grade school-exactly the kinds of things Facebook wants
on their platform.

Facebook was a moderately effective way for to exercise our
First Amendment rights to communicate with our fellow citizens.

But I will not disguise the fact that it is the destruction of Lydia's
personal data that has caused us the most personal distress. The hope of
retrieving her data has caused us to delay publicizing this atrocity, or
from taking legal action while other, informal, approaches appeared

For the record, Lydia wrote a personal appeal to an appropriate Facebook
contact point on May 4. She received no reply.

Facebook's refusal to respond to a young mother's anguished appeal
strikes me as irrefutable proof that

**these people want us in Gulags**.

Facebook's stated reason for destroying our Facebook accounts: we were
operating a "botfarm"-posting automatically to several satellite
accounts, something Facebook calls "Co-ordinated Inauthentic
This is simply a lie. had no satellite accounts. We posted to
nothing automatically.

And it can be seen to be a lie because,

**even if we had operated a bot farm**, this does not explain why
Facebook now prevents readers who, subsequently and quite independently,
have found articles on our website that they want to share with their
Facebook friends, from doing so.

The only rational explanation for this: flagrant political censorship.
Facebook announced

last year that it was no longer going to make basic logical distinctions
between "white nationalism," "white separatism" and "white
supremacy" (which was already banned) [**Standing Against Hate**
,, March 27, 2019]. The

**New York Times'** wild use of these terms in regard to us gave
Facebook an excuse. Facebook's management, like the rest of our Ruling
Class including the

**New York Times**, simply wants to suppress the immigration
debate-until the Left has succeeded in Electing A New People.

* On June 15, Network Solutions, our domain registrar
since we launched nearly 20 years ago, abruptly decreed

that they were terminating our relationship.

This disgraceful development is, of course, an order of magnitude more
serious than Woke corporations

like Amazon
, PayPal
Constant Contact

etc. discriminating against us by refusing to sell us their services. It
means that Cultural Marxism

has invaded the basic architecture of the internet. Basically, it's as
if the phone company refused to let us have a phone number, or the U.S.
Mail refused to deliver letters. It shows that America is moving rapidly

into an era of Chinese Communist-styleSocial Credit Scores. has now migrated to a new domain registrar
. But the threat
to our internet presence continues (and we urge you to prepare for it

Network Solutions has not, of course, deigned to explain exactly why it
has done this to us. However, the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Under Law
a Washington D.C. Leftist vigilante group headed by Kristin Clarke,

a black lady lawyer, is reportedly

claiming credit for our banning. Among other things, it instanced

our daring to discuss

an article in


a leftist Israeli newspaper, about Israeli rules of engagement on their
own border, which permit using trained snipers to shoot illegal border
crossers in the leg. Surprisingly, however, the Lawyers' Committee for
Civil Rights Under Law is not attempting to extirpate

**Haaretz**from the internet.
All of which is further proof of my contention in

**The Sin Of Sullivan**:

Especially since Trump's election in 2016,, immigration
patriots and the Dissident Right

generally, are in what the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu called "Death
Ground" -we have to sue

or be driven

entirely out of the public square

Meanwhile, there have been developments in some of the parallel libel
actions challenging the Main Stream Media's license to lie and, by
implication, the

**Sullivan** decision:
* One America News libel action against MSNBC show host Rachel Maddow
dismissed by S. District Court Cynthia Ann Bashant,
an Obama appointee.
The cable network, to its great credit, promptly appealed, vowing "to
take this case to the United States Supreme Court if necessary" [**One
America News Elevates $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against Rachel
Maddow And MSNBC To Ninth Circuit**
Herring Networks Inc., July 3, 2020]

The ludicrous issue at stake here is well stated by OAN lawyer Amnon

The words-

**"that OAN is really literally paid Russian propaganda"**- do not
convey an opinion. This is a blatant defamatory falsehood.

As I said in The

**Sin Of Sullivan**, it's not generally realized that defendants in
libel actions brought by "public figures" now habitually make no
effort to defend the truth of what they've said. They just assert
it's an expression of their opinion-i.e. that they have a license to

This is exactly what Rachel Maddow and her lawyers did in this case. Of
course, this claim has devastating implications for the credibility of
her show. As Mike Cernovich commented mordantly: "Maddow's win is
America's gain. No one can credibly claim that Maddow's show is real
news" [**Maddow's "I'm Not a Real Journalist" Defense Prevails
in Court**

**,**, May 25, 2020].

And's Brad Slager wrote:

[I]n a manner OAN has won a victory.

It managed to get Rachael Maddow to declare in court records that she is
a fabulist whose reporting does not need to be taken as the least bit
accurate. It is not to be taken lightly when a major name in the media
universe has gone on the record to declare what she traffics in on the
air is fake news.[**A Judge Rules Rachel Maddow is a Fake News Fabulist
and Not a Journalist**
, May 25, 2020].

But of course Maddow's concession is indeed "taken
lightly"-because, outside of the conservative catacomb, this subtle
point was barely reported.

Over time, dawning realization that this sort of thing is going on
certainly has contributed to the growing public disenchantment

with the Main Stream Media. [**Americans' Trust in Mass Media Edges Down
to 41%**

by Megan Brenan, Gallup,  September 26, 2019] But in the short run, MSM
arrogance and aggression has become utterly unrestrained.

* Former Democratic Presidential contender dropped her action against
fellow Democrat Hillary Clinton for describing her as a "Russian
asset" [**Tulsi Gabbard withdraws defamation suit against Hillary

**,**by Nicholas Wu

**, USA TODAY,**May 27, 2020]


Personally, I was very sorry to see the winsome Gabbard withdraw. It
struck me that she might be the sort of "sympathetic litigant" that
lawyers prefer to front a difficult legal argument-such as persuading
the courts to revisit the

**Sullivan** disaster unquestionably must be.

But Gabbard has no personal wealth, forfeited her Congressional seat to
make her presidential run and may be hoping to rebuild her relationship
with the Democratic Establishment. (On leaving the Presidential race,
she disappointed some supporters by endorsing Joe Biden rather Sanders,
despite having endorsed Sanders in 2016). Her folding is hardly

Typically, however, the Clinton camp greeted Gabbard's withdrawal with
graceless vindictive gloating. Clinton's lawyer

even added "good riddance" in Russian

**compounded the original libel**, further illustrating how

**Sullivan** has severed political debate from any consideration of
decency, let alone truth.
In conclusion, I'm going to quote again from the powerful article that
Powerline's John Hinderaker,
whom I've never
met, wrote on our case when it was first reported:

[L]awsuits like this one are an important contribution to freedom.
Corrupt institutions like the New York Times and the Southern Poverty
Law Center need to be attacked whenever possible,

**and popular support needs to be mobilized behind the idea that
newspapers and partisan organizations should not be given carte blanche
to lie with impunity about their political opponent**


[**Sue the**New York Times

**? They deserve it**
January 10, 2020. Emphasis added].

Of course, I just don't know if

**Brimelow vs. New York Times** will be the case that breaks through and
reverses the

**Sullivan** disaster.

But I do know that someone will eventually prevail. The current regime
of unbridled lies is too unstable. People still too often believe what
they read and passions get too inflamed.

It will come to blood
it is already coming to blood

This road will be long and hard. But we have no choice.

However, as evidence that the gravity of this situation is finally being
recognized even in the most complacent and conventional quarters, I find
to my amazement

that I can actually now quote from

**National Review**:
Conservatives in general, and Trump supporters in particular, are
already being squeezed out

of social media...But what if half the country begins to feel - with
justice - that the other half is eager to deprive them of their
rights, has set them beyond the pale, wants to see them crushed? What

**Abandoning Liberalism Will Destroy Social Peace**

**,**by Stanley Kurtz, June 11, 2020.
"What then?" indeed.

Of course, this road will not just be long and hard-it will also be
expensive. We are entirely dependent on you, our readers, to sustain
this fight.

**Please give generously**.
(Click the "earmark" box to give specifically to our

**New York Times** litigation).
Not just to defend freedom for all Americans, but to help ensure that
the cause of immigration patriotism is not driven entirely out of public

I and my family will be most grateful-and so, I sincerely believe,
will be those who the Founders referred to in the Preamble to The
Constitution, as "ourselves and our posterity."

Peter Brimelow

Read our provisional complaint here


Click here to help us sue the NYT!



Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel

by Peter Brimelow
[An excerpt, read full article here]

...Throughout 2019, the New York Times showed a systematic pattern of
(1) portraying me and the webzine I edit as racial extremists through
consistent misrepresentation;
(2) refusing to contact us, thus denying us the chance to refute (or at
least protest) these misrepresentations;
(3) refusing to hyperlink to us, thus denying readers the chance to see
for themselves that we have been misrepresented;
(4) refusing to correct misrepresentations, and to acknowledge
surreptitiously correcting one misrepresentation, albeit merely on its

Let me make clear: Personally, I absolutely do not care what the New
York Times, and the people who run it, think about anything.

And I have shrugged off a great deal of abuse

since I broke the taboo and started writing critically about America's
immigration disaster in 1992. So why have I decided to sue for libel

Partly it's because I've realized that mud sticks.

... these sort of charges have increasingly serious real-world
consequences. In effect, America now has a Cultural Marxist corporate
elite that does the bidding of its emerging Totalitarian Left.

Thus, despite (or more accurately because of) the fact that Donald J.
Trump won the presidency essentially

advocating's long-held positions #_msocom_1 on immigration, we
have suffered a wave of demonetization and deplatforming, for example by
Amazon, Google Adsense, PayPal, MailChimp and several others. And more
than half-a-dozen hotels have cancelled conference contracts

with us in the last three years after coming under political pressure,
even though they have had  to pay us significant liquidated damages.

For example, when our account with the bulk email service Constant
Contact abruptly stopped working-although we had been faithful paying
customers for some ten years-Lydia called and was told: "We no
longer service your industry."
Lydia: What industry is that?

Customer Service Girl: [Consults screen]...White supremacy!

...All of which means that when the New York Times asserts we're
"white nationalists," it matters. Especially since Trump's
election in 2016,, immigration patriots and the Dissident
Right generally, are in what the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu called
"Death Ground"-

we have to sue or be driven entirely out of the public square.

Maybe suing won't work. Maybe we will indeed be driven entirely out of
the public square. But we have to try. What alternative do we have?...

Please give generously . Not just
to defend freedom for all Americans, but to help ensure that the cause
of immigration patriotism is not driven entirely out of public debate.

I and my family will be most grateful-and so, I sincerely believe,
will be those who the Founders referred to in the Preamble to The
Constitution, as "ourselves and our posterity."

Thank you for supporting!

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