Friend –
Did you know the census determines where we build hospitals, health clinics, and distribute emergency services? It is crucial that we all do our part and secure our communities’ future by being counted in the 2020 Census.
Now is the time to have your neighbor’s back, participate in the census today!
As LA County faces a second lockdown to combat the rise of COVID-19, we need to rely on the power of our community. We have the power to ensure Los Angeles County gets the medical and emergency resources we need to keep our families safe and healthy. The census determines how those resources are distributed for the next 10 years.
Filling out the census is the easiest thing we can do at this time to help. Together we can bring more money to our community by counting everyone who lives in our households – family, friends, or roommates!
Now more than ever LA needs you. Go online and complete the census today!
In Solidarity,
CLUE, We Count LA