Hi team,
One of my earliest supporters was Paul Begala. He, like you, knew that Iowa’s first district was worth fighting for -- and that this seat was vital to securing a Democratic House majority.
Now Paul is sounding the alarm again. And since he reached out to you Wednesday, things have already changed. You may have seen, but the Iowa GOP posted a horrific, offensive image of me.
So, while our original mid-month goal expired yesterday, I'm extending the deadline to midnight tonight so we can respond by raising another $4,301. Can you chip in now?
Washington Republicans think they can beat us -- and, as you can see from their attack yesterday, they'll do anything and spend anything. We need to prove them wrong -- just like we did in 2018.
But we don’t have the same safety net as our opponent -- like a Koch-backed super PAC. We have you, friends -- and I wouldn’t trade that support for anything.
So, can we count on you to chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can to help us respond to these attacks?
Thank you,
-------- Forwarded message --------
From: Paul Begala
Date: June 15, 2020
Subject: C’mon!!!

I’m back, folks!
It’s Paul again -- long-time Abby supporter, former campaign strategist, and political consultant.
There was big news last week, y’all. After Donald Trump decided to back Abby’s opponent, Ashley Hinson, she announced that her campaign raised OVER $1 million.
That’s some of the best Republican fundraising of the entire election cycle.
We need to push back, in the way Democrats do best: our grassroots network is going to have to step up. Not a month from now. Not a week from now. Not tomorrow. We need you right now!
There’s a mid-month supporter drive happening right now, and we need your help. Chip in right now and help us raise another $5,491 before midnight tomorrow.
Look, Iowans need Abby in Congress fighting with them. And I’m going to break down exactly why:
Abby worked night and day to reduce prescription drug prices. Hinson took contributions from insurance companies.
While Abby is hard at work repairing and protecting the ACA, Donald Trump and the far-right are fighting tooth and nail to eliminate it -- even during a pandemic! Yet, Hinson still won’t say her backers in DC are wrong.
Abby fights for working Iowans -- not insurance companies or special interests -- while it’s clear that Hinson is already making herself at home in the DC swamp. (Although she shouldn’t get too comfortable, ‘cause she’s in for a surprise in November.)
Even though Abby’s record holds its own against anyone, we still need to be diligent. If our grassroots supporters don’t help us close the gap with Hinson, it could give her an opening.
I’m supporting Abby. Will you? Click here now, chip in, and help Abby hit her mid-month goal.
Thank you, and see y’all down the road!
Paul Begala