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Your 2020 Republican Ticket

A week ago today, we counted the votes, and delegates to our 2020 Indiana Republican State Convention selected Todd Rokita to be our Republican nominee for attorney general. And then on Monday we made the voice of our delegates official, as Todd signed the paperwork to put him on your ballot.

We now have your 2020 Indiana Republican statewide ticket, and I have to say, there’s a lot to be excited about going into November. These candidates are all proven leaders who have the vision and drive to continue leading Indiana through these turbulent times.
Nationally, our ticket will be led by President Donald Trump and our own Vice President Mike Pence. Together, they’ve taken on many of our nation’s biggest issues – trade imbalances, national security, growing our economy, etc. And even through this pandemic, President Trump is continuing to deliver, with the new USMCA trade agreement becoming official earlier this month.
Governor Holcomb leads our ticket here at home with a 79% approval rating. Through his leadership, Indiana has seen a coordinated, data-driven response to this pandemic. Over the last three and a half years, Governor Holcomb has helped Indiana attract more than 100,000 new job commitments, fully-funded a 20+ year roads and bridges program and led our state to over $1.6 billion in new education funding.
When it comes to our lieutenant governor, we’ve got the best one in the nation. Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch is the perfect partner to Governor Holcomb, leading on critical issues from agriculture to supporting Hoosiers with disabilities.
And finally rounding out our statewide ticket, there’s attorney general nominee Todd Rokita. As Secretary of State, Todd helped protect our elections from fraud by instituting the nation’s first voter ID law, and as a member of Congress he was a strong conservative voice protecting the right to life and the 2nd Amendment. As our attorney general, he’ll work to fight for us and protect our rights.
We've got a team of proven leaders on your ballot this November. And it's these leaders who will help Indiana rebound again through this crisis. 

- Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Todd Rokita visits the Indiana GOP offices this week to sign the required paperwork to officially be listed on your general election ballot as our Republican attorney general nominee. 
Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Investments & Endorsements

Jobs announcements and endorsements! It's been a busy week for Governor Holcomb!

Yesterday, Governor Holcomb was on hand to celebrate the opening of MonoSol's new high-tech, 150,000-sq.-ft. production facility in Boone County! This is the company’s fifth location in Indiana, where the company will create more new, high-wage positions for Hoosiers. Since 2017, Indiana has attacted more than 100,000 job commitments like this across the state!

This week, Governor Holcomb also earned the endorsement of the Professional Firefighters Union of Indiana. This is the organization's first gubernatorial endorsement since 2008. Our state's firefighters are always there for us, and Governor Holcomb is dedicated to serving them!

“Our Hoosier firefighters are the original essential workers. No matter the situation – whether it’s floods, tornados, blizzards, earthquakes, or a global pandemic – our firefighters are always there for us. I am profusely grateful for them and their support, and I’ll work to continue to earn that support every single day.” - Gov. Holcomb

And then finally this week, Governor Holcomb announced that as Indiana's rate of COVID-19 test positivity continues to climb, Indiana will remain in Stage 4.5 through at least the end of the month. You can find full details on Stage 4.5 and the Back on Track plan here

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thank You, Former Speaker Bosma!
Today, former Indiana Speaker of the House Brian Bosma announced that he’ll be officially retiring from the General Assembly at the end of the month. As Indiana’s longest-serving House speaker, his leadership has been instrumental in Indiana’s turnaround from a middle-of-the-pack state to a nationally-recognized leader in balanced budgets and responsible government.  
Here’s what Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer had to say –
“Although we’ve known this day was coming, that doesn’t make it any less bittersweet. Brian Bosma’s positive impact on Indiana simply cannot be overstated. Even now, as we navigate our way through a global pandemic, Brian’s leadership and fiscal stewardship has Indiana in a strong position to weather this storm. Congratulations, Brian, on a well-earned retirement from the General Assembly. Our thanks to you and Cheryl for your decades of service to our state.

Fiscal Responsibility Leads Indiana Through Crisis

Raise your hand if you can remember multiple times when Democrats said Indiana should spend the state’s budget surplus for any number of issues…
Well, this week, Hoosiers can be thankful for responsible Republican leadership that built up Indiana’s savings for a rainy day. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the state faced a $900 million budget shortfall at the close of the fiscal year. Thankfully, Indiana has been able to responsibly maintain essential services to Hoosiers during this difficult time – all without going into the red.
That’s largely due to some budget reversions, federal assistance…and the use of our surplus that was built by our fiscally responsible Republican leaders for a rainy day like this. While our surplus now stands at a lower total of $1.4 billion, we’re so thankful to live in a state that remains stable even through a crisis. That's Republican leadership at work.

Upcoming Events

July 22: Kosciusko County Republican Golf Outing
July 25: Jasper County Fair Republican Booth
July 31: Newton GOP Golf Outing
August 1: Lincoln Lawn Party
August 7: Hancock County GOP Elephant Open
August 14-15: IRFW Tribute to Women & Statewide Meeting
August 19: Porter County Lincoln Day Dinner
August 22: Adams County GOP 5th Annual Benjamin Harrison Breakfast
September 5: Wells County Reagan Rally
October 2: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 7: Kosciusko County Republican Fall Fish Fry 
October 15: Lincoln-Reagan Fall Dinner

Have an event to add? Please email it to [email protected]!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb writes op-ed on expanded workforce training grants
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch congratulates Indiana Grown for 5 years of service
Senator Todd Young joins bipartisan bill to establish suicide hotline
Senator Mike Braun advocates for PRICE Transparency Act
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski speaks about coronavirus aid on radio interview
Congressman Jim Banks discusses the reopening of schools on Fox News
Congressman Jim Baird announces Service Academy Information Day
Congresswoman Susan Brooks leads efforts to strengthen Strategic National Stockpile
Congressman Greg Pence visits Greensburg to meet with local officials
Congressman Larry Bucshon tours the Evansville Rescue Mission Centennial Center
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth donates plasma to help others recover from COVID-19

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