CPUSA and the uprising for Black Lives:

help share our Marxist perspective

Dear John,


Since the end of May, the US has experienced the most significant protest wave in at least 50 years. An unprecedented multi-racial movement has marched and ridden in caravans against racist police violence and murder; to demand respect and equality for Black lives and against systemic racism.


Confederate statues and other symbols of white supremacy have fallen. Millions are realizing the real history of our country, how the legacy of slavery affects our lives today, and its interconnection with the genocide of Indigenous peoples and theft of Mexican lands.


People are being radicalized and making connections between racial and gender equity and class oppression. Millions are discussing advanced demands like "defunding" the police and prison abolition.


CPUSA members are deeply involved in these protests. Please help us do more to share our unique viewpoint, and the historical significance of the Black Lives Matter protests by donating here.


Meanwhile, grassroots activists are registering, educating, and mobilizing voters to oust the white supremacist-in-chief in November. Understanding the relationship between protest and elections is growing.


This democratic upsurge is happening in the middle of a global pandemic and the most significant economic crisis since the Great Depression.


This moment calls for a bigger Communist Party USA. And indeed, people are joining the CPUSA in unprecedented numbers from electoral campaigns and the uprising for Black lives.


Let’s not let this critical moment pass. Please donate here to help ensure we reach more people with our message.


We live in a transformative moment when political clarity, program, revolutionary strategy and tactics, and a vision of socialism, are essential. Everyone needs Marxist tools to understand developments and effect change.


Reissuing CPUSA leader Jarvis Tyner’s timely pamphlet “Black Lives Matter” at this moment is vital. He originally wrote the pamphlet in response to the first wave of BLM protests sparked by the murders of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. The brochure is updated to reflect the current uprising. Though written five years ago, the analysis and demands are just as relevant.


People, especially young people, are hungry for Marxist history and analysis, one that views African American equality as a revolutionary struggle. Young activists increasingly see the need for multi-racial unity and connecting white supremacy with the capitalist system.


The pamphlet is getting a wonderful reception. “It’s great to have a Marxist perspective of the current uprising against racism,” said a young New York CPUSA member. “Jarvis is a mentor to us all, a Black Communist analysis of policing is the only way forward!”


The CPUSA has reprinted 5,000 pamphlets for distribution. Please donate, so the voice of the CPUSA is heard coast to coast. You can also order copies for distribution in your community, campus, or workplace at CPUSA: 235 W. 23rd St., New York, NY 10011.


In solidarity,



Rossana Cambron and Joe Sims, CPUSA co-chairs

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
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