Answer our July Members Survey before this weekend
John, you are an important member of our movement to end the wealthy elite’s control of our democracy and transform our country into one that protects working people. That’s why we’re reaching out for your feedback. Will you answer our July Members Survey before this weekend? We want to know what you think about our shared accomplishments so far this year, and your thoughts about the challenges that lay in front of us.
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In just 8 days, expanded unemployment benefits will expire for more than 30 million Americans. Eviction bans in states across the country are also about to expire, which will potentially trigger a catastrophic housing crisis on top of our already worsening health and economic crises. On top of all of that, we face a wildly destructive authoritarian president who must be defeated and a global climate crisis that we’ve barely begun to address. Are you prepared to take action during this incredibly consequential moment in American history, John? Answer this survey to let us know your thoughts about how Our Revolution can meet these challenges head-on. Despite the enormity of these crises, our organizing work over the past four years has prepared us for this moment. This year our movement has elected progressive champions of Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, affordable housing, and living wages up and down the ballot. Recent Democratic primary wins like Jamaal Bowman and Mondaire Jones in New York and Mike Siegel and José Garza in Texas have proven the ascendent strength of our movement. But we must go further. The Democratic National Convention is next month, and November’s election is just over 100 days away. Our actions in the coming 100 days will determine everything from the Democratic Party’s official 2021 policy platform to how many progressives are in office next year. If we successfully defeat Donald Trump and elect a Democratic Senate in November, our movement must be prepared to demand transformative progressive policies — not corporate-friendly half measures. Take our survey before this weekend to help us get prepared.
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In Solidarity, Our Revolution 