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The Unz Review Digest - July 17, 2020

Ranking first this last week was Larry Romanoff’s lengthy dissection of what he suggests are some of the leading scientific and technological frauds perpetuated by our dishonest media and history books, including the alleged breakthroughs of Einstein, Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and the Wright Brothers, as well as Coca Cola.  Unsurprisingly, this position aroused a wave of contentious responses and disputes, with nearly 500 comments totaling well over 50,000 words.

Second place was held by Gary Heavin’s sharp critique of the deceptive claims regarding the Covid-19 epidemic being promoted by leading sources of official authority such as America’s top governmental health organizations, those of the world, the the MSM itself, with strong suggestions that the enormously large and lucrative pharmaceutical has been a key hidden factor influencing such coverage.  By contrast, several of the most effective treatments and remedies have been given short-shrift because they are too cheap and widespread to be highly profitable.

In third place after just a couple of days and coming up fast is my own discussion of the ongoing massive upheavals in our society, which amount to an American Cultural Revolution, and the resulting strong traffic to our website, which easily broke all records in June.  I also note the very notable refusal of the media to attack or denounce us, despite the vast array of controversial positions we have espoused, and I attribute this to what I characterize as “the Lord Voldemort Effect,” noting the extreme efforts that journalists have made to avoid recognizing our existence.

Our fourth most popular article was Linh Dinh’s comparison of the current Black Lives Matter riots and protests with those of the Occupy movement almost a decade ago, which he covered at the time and found remarkably disorganized and ineffectual, suggesting that the current unrest may be deliberately designed to deflect attention away from our ruling financial elites towards targets such as century-old statues, thereby causing huge distractions and divisions within the bulk of our population.

Placing fifth was Eric Striker’s presentation of leaked FBI and DHS documents, revealing the extremely biased and ideologically-driven responses of our national policing agencies, which deliberately disregard the fact that the overwhelming majority of the national violence is coming from antifa groups and BLM protesters, and instead concentrate their efforts on seeking out the tiny number of “racist” elements, or even fabricating rightwing plots.

Finally, rounding out our most popular featured articles, was Anthony Boehm’s suggestion that America’s enormously dissatisfied black population be offered the reparations some of their spokesmen demand, but only if combined with repatriation to Africa, thus fulfilling the original goals of Marcus Garvey and numerous other Black Nationalist leaders.

Einstein, Bell & Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers
There are only two nations in the world whose existence seems to be founded primarily on historical myths. In the US, false historical mythology permeates every nook and cranny of the American psyche, the result of more than 100 years of astonishing and unconscionable programming and propaganda, a massive crime against an entire population. This... Read More
I’ve been speaking with my friends who include medical doctors and other highly educated people about the treatments that they would seek if they were diagnosed with Covid 19. Most of them had no idea what course of treatment they or their families might seek. This conundrum is in part due to the massive volume... Read More
Our website traffic easily broke all records for the month of June, and these high levels have now continued into July, suggesting that the huge rise produced by the initial wave of Black Lives Matters protests may be more than temporary. It appears that many new readers first discovered our alternative webzine at that point,... Read More
In a recent article, “Smashing Culture,” I briefly described a scene in Philadelphia from 30+ years ago. Sitting in McGlinchey’s, I was drinking Rolling Rock. This trivia triggered a most curious yet telling response from a commenter, “Rolling Rock? – really? Were you listening to the Eagles too? Nice street cred attempt, but it’s either... Read More
On June 22nd, a group of anarchist hackers called DDoSecrets dumped 270 gigabytes worth of internal documents belonging to regional police fusion centers, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The documents provide interesting insight into state surveillance tactics, political bias and dynamics, and how "threats" are prioritized. The files -- dated from... Read More
See, earlier: A Reader Is Cheered By Stories Of Blacks Abandoning The "Racist" USA. Can This Be Encouraged? After weeks of rioting, looting, and wanton attacks on whites, after weeks of tearing down statues of Confederates and Columbus, after months and years of hearing the lie that it is unsafe to be a black man... Read More
Roughly half-way through the year 2020 it is becoming pretty obvious that there are a number of major developments which almost got our total attention, and for good reason, as these are tectonic shifts which truly qualify as "catastrophe" (under the definition "a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth"). These are:... Read More
Let's assume that the events of the last five months are neither random nor unexpected. Let's say they're part of an ingenious plan to transform American democracy into a lockdown police state controlled by criminal elites and their puppet governors. And let's say the media's role is to fan the flames of mass hysteria by... Read More
That Ghislaine Maxwell is finally in custody is certainly satisfying for all of us who believed her completely complicit in the horrible crimes against young girls committed by her associate Jeffrey Epstein. The internet is already alive with speculation regarding how long she will last in prison given the alleged death by suicide that eliminated... Read More
Why is the media so fixated on Sweden's coronavirus policy? What difference does it make? Sweden settled on a policy that they thought was both sustainable and would save as many lives as possible. They weren't trying to 'show anyone up' or 'prove how smart they were'. They simply took a more traditionalist approach that... Read More
National Review is “defending America” in its latest issue. Unfortunately, its cowardice about race makes its defense a laughable failure. Editor Rich Lowry’s introduction tries to negotiate the terms of surrender. He is appalled to find that “we’ve gone from a debate about the status of Confederate statues to the toppling defacing, and removal of... Read More
A common topic around the web is whether automation will drastically increase unemployment. The usual scholarly answer is only a bit, and conservatives often insist that new jobs will always be found. Actually, automation has already created much joblessness. It continues to do so. We don’t notice because we have disguised the unemployment. Consider. In... Read More
From the newly-released transcripts that are part of a legal filing by Lane’s attorney, Earl Gray, who has requested that the Hennepin County District Court dismiss the case against his client: The transcripts reveal that as the officers forced Floyd into the vehicle, the 46-year-old black man said: “I can’t breathe” and “I want to... Read More
As you may know, in 2018 I and American Renaissance sued Twitter after it banned our accounts. After some initial successes, we lost on a couple of crucial rulings and decided not to appeal. Here is the story. In 2011, I started a Twitter account and American Renaissance set up a corporate account. In 2017,... Read More
I’m not going to claim that I have been totally 1488 from day one or that I came goose-stepping out of the womb. But I think I have always been instinctively and intuitively a race realist. Or at least, I have been since around the age of 8. The first black person I ever met... Read More
How Identity Politics Became Identity Theft
Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Nothing proved the truth of Marx’s claim better than the farcical battle over the statue of St. Louis in, yes, St. Louis which followed hot on the heels of the tragedy of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The battle over the... Read More
Half a billion dollars goes to companies and foundations
Washington D.C. is surely one of the most corrupt places on earth. Money talks and nearly everyone into the game sometimes referred to as politics has his or her hand out and expects to end up a millionaire. Given that, it should surprise no one to learn that a large chunk of the CARES Business... Read More
Video introduction to this article. (If the video is deleted by Youtube you can find it also here in Bitchute.) The Epstein Pedoscandal Mossad Timeline shows in detail how Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were working for the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad. The timeline generated many comments at but surprisingly most of them dealt... Read More
White people are under siege across America. The latest outrage is the story of Braden Fields, an Ohio State University student who brags about tormenting white women with bogus racism accusations and acts of violence on his twitter account @cloutlordbray.
The Jewish football player Julian Edelman wants to bring superstar DeSean Jackson to the Jewish Holocaust Museum, the one just across from the Department of the Treasury in Washington, DC, where America’s money is printed. Jackson enraged the Jews, who are forever trying to avoid standing up for racial justice in America. They have become... Read More

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