Fellow American,
For more than fifty years, the radical left has viciously attacked Americans of faith in order to push us out of public life and keep the issues we champion out of the national conversation.
And the worst part is … their strategy has almost worked!
Today, atheists are far more politically active in America than evangelical Christians and Catholics — and it’s not even close.
After years of being told that our traditional American values are old-fashioned … that our belief in empowering parents and families is outdated … and that our defense of freedom to practice and proclaim religion in the public square is downright wrong, many Americans of faith have retreated from the political process and surrendered the future of our country to people who would destroy everything we believe in.
You and I now see the sad results.
Today our politics and policies feature increasingly hostile attacks against American families and undermine marriage and family formation.
Our public schools wrongly position themselves as our children’s moral leaders — and do their best to replace our traditional values with the crude left-wing ideology in fashion at that moment.
Our culture attacks parental rights, undermines the ability of parents to protect their children’s innocence, and cruelly mocks our timeless values of faith, family, and freedom as we work to pass them on to our children and grandchildren.
And while hard-line, left-wing political activists have attacked the family and made it difficult to raise children, pro-family political forces largely have been missing in action.
It doesn’t have to be this way, Fellow American.
Here’s how you and I can make a difference, starting right now.
The American Principles Project (APP) is ready to lead the political cavalry to support and defend the American family.
Can I count on you to stand with us? A generous gift right now will help us take the fight to the radical anti-family left.
In fact, it will take us TWICE as far -- because a generous donor has offered to MATCH your contribution dollar-for dollar for a limited time! That means a gift of $25 becomes $50... $50 becomes $100... and $250 becomes $500!!
Please -- if you have been waiting to invest in the defense of the American family, now truly is the time.
Left-wing activists are counting on people like you and me to give up and give in to their anti-family agenda. But if you and I work together through APP, we can make the family the most powerful, well-represented institution in Washington, D.C.
Together we can advance pro-family policies and elected officials who share our values — and we can impose a political cost on the left’s anti-family extremism.
Please help the American Principles Project defend the family and stand up for our shared American values right now. Can I count on your financial contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more today -- to be instantly DOUBLED by a generous donor?