National Review: The case against qualified immunity

Prior to the last few weeks, many Americans probably had never heard of the esoteric legal doctrine known as “qualified immunity.” But as a result of the nationwide protests against abusive policing, the call to “End Qualified Immunity!” has jumped from policy papers to protest signs to national newspapers.

The Supreme Court last month passed up the opportunity to review several cases that called the doctrine into question. But David Deerson urges everybody who cares about law, order, and justice to take note: the issue is still alive in Congress.

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The Hill: Quarantines for out-of-state visitors exceeds governors’ emergency authority

At the end of June, the governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut announced that anyone coming into their states from other states identified as coronavirus “hot spots”—now up to 19 states—are required to quarantine themselves for 14 days.

Ironically, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York earlier in the pandemic called a similar policy put in place by Rhode Island for those who had been to New York unlawful and threatened to sue. Daniel Ortner explains (and Drudge Report featured) why Cuomo was right then and is wrong now.

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Issues & Insights: Lifting zoning restrictions would get Americans back to work during the COVID-19 crisis

As the country grappled with the coronavirus pandemic, widespread shutdowns forced businesses to close—some permanently. With so many businesses closing at once, Americans were left searching for a way to make enough money to get by.

The good news for aspiring entrepreneurs is that the internet gives many the option to put their home spaces to productive use. Joshua Polk explains the news would be even better if the government would just get out of the way.

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