Hello John,

In my March statement about the outbreak of COVID19 I questioned the dominant narrative that is still being greatly promoted by our government. I looked at the official argument which was being advanced by politicians, establishment scientists, and media pundits, and compared it to the known medical literature, statistics, and other arguments in the scientific society. The scarce but powerful evidence, in addition to the official response all pointed to the clear and obvious; COVID19 is just a pretext for authoritarianism. I thought that the people’s psychological reaction to the government’s narrative would wear off by June and by July the scientific facts would make its way to the public to expose the corruption of our governmental agencies and our politicians in cooperation with the mainstream media and tech giants. However, I was mistaken, I underestimated the determination of the establishment -which controls both the government and the media, to advance their modern-slavery agendas. Observing the current and the abhorrently dangerous situation, I believe that I have a responsibility, as much as the others, to speak out again about the omitted science and the current underway plans.

In my recent article, I gathered more than 40 worldwide studies about COVID that are being ignored by public officials and the media. The following article includes scientific studies from the CDC, Iran, Japan, and Germany among others. I stressed the scientific aspect of this topic because it is a key to understand the agendas that are being advanced right now. It is worth mentioning that the article is just a summary of what I’ve learned in more than 500 hundred hours of research in the past 4 months.



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Ibra Taher

Green for US Senate 2020


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