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Dear NCRC members and allies,

The recent COVID-19 pandemic and the growing spotlight on police brutality have presented both opportunities and challenges for social justice organizations across the country. Young leaders who fight for our communities every single day have had their optimism tested as the harm against marginalized communities has only been compounded by the economic impact of the pandemic and the militarized response to peaceful protests.

In these trying times, it is important to remember the fighters that paved the way for our work and built powerful and enduring institutions, which have survived even darker days and continue to serve our communities today.

Join us for the Just Economy Session “Through the Storm: Wisdom from Community Development Leaders” on July 23 at 1 PM ET. This discussion will feature strong visionary leaders as they share insights, challenges, and leadership strategies.
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Adriane Bond Harris, Advisor, Community Investment, Center for Community Investment


  • Bill Bynum, CEO, Hope Enterprise Corporation
  • Gordon Chin, Founder and former President & CEO, Chinatown Community Development Center
  • Robin Hughes, President & CEO, Abode Communities
  • Ron Phillips, Founder and former CEO, Coastal Enterprises, Inc.

Authors of the paper “Community Development Leadership: Early Visionaries Inspire Tomorrow’s Success” which featured our speakers:

  • Bob Zdenek, Principal Investigator, Public Health Institute
  • Dee Walsh, Executive Vice President, Mercy Housing

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