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Top Stories



Why You Aren’t Homeless: How Privilege & Fortune Shape the Shelter Census
Sure, choices matter. But race, gender, wealth, health and identity play an outsized role in exposing New Yorkers to the risk of homelessness.

Summer Camp Amid COVID: Fewer Kids, More Clorox and Make Your Own S’mores
Could NYC schools learn from how day camps have adapted to the pandemic?

CUNY Dorm Refund—and Answers—Can be Hard to Get
Some CUNY families face obstacles trying to learn when students who graduated this spring will get their dorm refunds. 

Visibility Was an Issue for City’s Immigrant Relief Fund
Emergency relief funds for immigrants exist, but are unknown to many who need it.

Has NYS Only ‘Delayed the Inevitable’ When it Comes to Evictions?
A rent freeze, eviction moratorium and a relief fund will not be enough, tenant advocates say.

Jail Reformer: City Can End Punitive Segregation, Close Rikers
According to the city's Board of Correction, there were 119 people in punitive segregation as of last June, down 79 percent since June 2014. That's still too many people, say correction reformers.

Restart of City’s ULURP Process Could Save De Blasio’s Last Rezoning
After being paused since March, the city’s public land use review process Uniform Land Use Review Procedure –better known as ULURP—will begin remote meetings through a new portal system in August, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week.


Una Ciudad sin Límites



Persisten las preocupaciones sobre COVID-19 en los centros de detención de inmigrantes
Fue propagación [del virus] a través de la deportación.

Los votantes dominicanos en Nueva York eligen nuevo presidente en la isla
Varios candidatos presidenciales y expresidentes de la República Dominicana han mantenido relaciones con políticos de la ciudad de Nueva York.


The daily death tolls are dropping. But COVID-19's impact on our city has just begun. From hospitals to housing, education to the economy, there are tough questions to be answered and important stories to be told. With your help, we can tell them.

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Voices of New York
Amplifying NYC's Ethnic and Community Press
Phase 3 Employees Demand Better Workplace Protections As COVID-Reopening Progresses
As more and more workers returned to their jobs last week, activists and advocates are asking the city and state to create stricter protections for employees, including access to PPE and enforcement of social distancing in workplaces.

City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics



Opinion: COVID-19 Exposed Health Disparities that New York Can—and Must—Fix
‘The most basic function of government is to keep its people safe. And so there are reforms to our health system that must be made immediately,’ says Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.

Opinion: Wage Theft is a Criminal Act. Treat it as Such
Allowing companies to get away with skimming wages and unemployment taxes in the past is a huge reason why states are facing empty unemployment reserves now.

Opinion: Gowanus Rezoning Must Heed COVID-19 Lessons & Offer Racial Justice
If and when the city restarts the Gowanus rezoning process, officials must consider the tough lessons of the pandemic, the fight for racial justice, the voices of those most impacted, & the understanding that more climate-related crises will come.

Opinion: COVID-19 Exposed Health Disparities that New York Can—and Must—Fix
We can prepare for the worst heat waves through design and policies that work together to lower the temperature experienced by New Yorkers in every neighborhood.

Opinion: NYC Has a Second Chance to Get the Jails Plan Right
Continuing to fund a capital plan that includes new jails across the city and underfunds essential services for Mott Haven and other similarly situated communities is reckless and irresponsible.

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