
A message from our sponsor

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Elbert Guillory
Kendall Qualls life is the definition of the American dream. This American hero and patriot knows that every blessing he has comes from the Almighty Hand of God - and NOT the Democrat Party. -Senator Elbert Guillory

Fellow Patriot,

Racist Democrats have called this Black conservative “trailer trash” and “ghetto”...

...but soon they’ll be forced to call him “Congressman!”

Because with your support - and God’s blessing - this Army veteran, successful entrepreneur, and devoted family man will soon become the ONLY Black Republican in Congress.

Talk about the perfect way to make Democrats like “Jim Crow Joe” Biden furious!

You know... the same Jim Crow throwback who says Black conservatives like me and Kendall Qualls “AIN’T BLACK!”

Now you can show racist Democrats like Biden how hoppin’ mad you are by doing this one simple thing:

Will You Join Me in Supporting Kendall Qualls so He Becomes the Next Republican Congressman for Minnesota’s 3rd District?

Kendall Qualls

I’m sure by now you’ve seen Kendall on the news.

As a candidate for Minnesota’s critical 3rd Congressional District, the riots have thrown this race into the national spotlight.

And while Democrats are throwing gasoline on the fire by supporting the rioters...

...Kendall Qualls is calling for common sense!

Just like he did on a recent interview with Tucker Carlson!

Watch Kendall Qualls Interview with Tucker Carlson

Fox News interview

In the interview, Kendall emphasized the need to protect vulnerable families from the violence and destruction.

I say AMEN to that!

After all, you and I both know that many of these riots are caused by angry, white leftists and other ANTIFA members who have no problem burning down innocent Black folks’ neighborhoods!

That way they can politically profit from George Floyd’s tragic death.

These leftist agitators just make my skin crawl.

And unlike radical Democrats who want to put Black Americans in even more danger by completely de-funding or disbanding the police, Kendall Qualls knows it’s important for police reform...

...but we MUST give our brothers and sisters in blue the support, training, and funding they need!

That’s why he just proposed a new policy that will support police officers AND protect vulnerable communities.

I say AMEN again!

And so does House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy who just endorsed Kendall!

“Kendall’s life story is the embodiment of the American dream and is a testament to the transformative power of conservative values” - Kevin McCarthy - House Republican Leader

That brings me to the fact that...

Kendall Quall’s Life Exposes the Democrats #1 Lie: The Lie That Blacks Are DOOMED to Failure Without Help from Democrats!

Let me be clearer:

Kendall Quall’s life SHATTERS this lie!

After all, this patriot rose from a public housing project in Harlem, and a trailer park in Oklahoma, to eventually serve as a Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army.

God bless him for his service!

But what impresses me most about Kendall is his unwavering faith in God, and his commitment to his family.

Elbert Guillory
“My faith has guided the important decisions in my life. I’m not perfect by any means, but my faith has been my ‘true north.’ It’s one of the main reasons I’m so committed to my family.” -Kendall Qualls

That’s what really gets these Democrats furious.

Think about it...

Democrats like “Jim Crow Joe” Biden want Black Americans like Kendall and me to depend on them 100%.

In return, Democrats get what they crave the most:


Will You Make Democrats Furious by Supporting Kendall Qualls for MN-3?

As you read this, Democrats are doing everything they can to smear Kendall’s good name and to stop him from defeating their weak, do-nothing candidate - Dean Phillips.

You know, the same anti-Trump, leftist Congressman who voted to impeach and remove the President!

These leftist hacks know that they MUST fighting to silence Kendall so he can’t reach out to our Black brothers and sisters in this critical district!

That way Democrats can keep Black voters where they like them:

In their back pockets until Election Day!

Democrats are Fighting to Defeat Kendall Qualls and Make Sure There are ZERO Black Republicans in the House!

If Democrats have their way, Dean Phillips will hold on to his seat and there will be NO Black Republicans in Congress.

And that's just the way they like it!

If it were up to these Plantation Pimps, Democrats would keep Black voters like me in their back pocket until Election Day!

So you can imagine how TERRIFIED they are of Black patriots like Kendall.

This no-nonsense Black conservative candidate is an Army veteran who isn’t afraid to expose the left's lies and urge ALL Black voters to abandon the Democrat Plantation.

Kendall Qualls military photo
“We need true and tested leaders to take a stand. I’m willing to endure the mud-slinging and personal attacks in politics for you because leaders take a stand and fight for what is right.” -Kendall Qualls

That's why I want to make sure you have the chance to support this American hero before it's too late!

Take my word for it, he'll need all the help you can give him.

I know for a fact because when I abandoned the Democrat Plantation Party and ran as a Republican candidate, Jim Crow leftists smeared me as an...

Elbert Guillory
"When I abandoned the Democrat Plantation Party, these Jim Crow throwbacks smeared me as an 'Uncle Tom' and 'Uppity Negro'. Now they’re attacking Kendall Qualls as he tries to flip the critical MN-3 District and defeat do-nothing Democrat Dean Phillips. That's why I’m supporting this American hero and hope and pray you'll join me! -Senator Elbert Guillory

"Uncle Tom", "Oreo" and "Race Traitor".

And now that Democrats know I’ve thrown my support behind Kendall Qualls

...you better believe they won't stop until they destroy him!

Take it from me, he needs to know that patriots like have his back!

With your support – and God's blessing - Kendall will frustrate the hell out of the Democrats by flipping this critically important MN-3 district in November!

That way Republicans and President Trump take back the House!

But like I told you before, the Democrats won’t give up this district without a BIG fight.

So please, join me in supporting Kendall by sending in your urgent gift of $25, $10, or even $5?

Remember... Democrats are TERRIFIED of Kendall.

That means my good friend will need our help now to fight back.

But since he's spent his life serving our great country, he doesn't have a war chest of funds like his opponent who can count on the Democrat-Machine to flood his campaign with endless cash.

That means you and I need to do everything we can to fight for this American hero.

That's why I'm praying you'll rush your donation of $25, $10, or even $5 right now.

If you'll do that, you'll make Elbert Guillory's America can create more hard-hitting videos and ads supporting Kendall Qualls and other conservative candidates.

Even better, your gift in any amount will help...

  • Create online videos supporting all conservative candidates
  • Print booklets exposing the top 3 liberal lies and sharing them with my black brothers and sisters in the inner cities.

Booklets just like our powerful "Little Book of Liberal Lies!"

Liberal Lies book
Your gift in any amount will help Elbert Guillory's America deliver more books to black voters in the Democrat controlled inner cities. That way we can flip enough votes to protect the President this November!

Last but not least, your generous gift will help make sure Elbert Guillory's America can support Kendall Qualls and other conservative candidates.


Candidates just like Leon Benjamin in VA-4, John James in Michigan or Wesley Hunt in the critically important Texas-7 district.

John James, Leon Benjamin and Wesley Hunt

These Black conservative heroes are running in critical states like Texas (where the Democrats are doing everything they can to flip blue!), Michigan and Virginia.

In fact, Elbert Guillory’s America just finished billboards for Wesley Hunt (TX-7) and Leon Benjamin (VA-4)! Best of all, these billboards will already be up by the time you’re reading this!

A life of service billboard...
Serving America billboard..

And now we’re working on another billboard supporting John James as the next Senator from Michigan!

And you can bet Nancy “the San Francisco Crackpot” Pelosi, and “Jim Crow Joe” are going to do everything they can to stop these Black conservatives!

The bottom line is that any gift you can give can have a major impact by allowing us to create more online videos geared towards supporting Kendall Qualls – and other conservatives.

But no matter what amount you can send, I pray you'll send it today so Kendall knows you have his back in this fight.

God bless you and welcome to the Guillory family.

Elbert Guillory


Senator Elbert Guillory

Contributions to Elbert Guillory's America are not tax deductible. An individual may contribute up to $5,000 each calendar year.
Paid for by Elbert Guillory’s America. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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