Friday, July 17th, 2020

The Face Mask Placebo

Bill Sardi

The Strange Synchronicity of Seemingly Unrelated Enigmatic Events: April 1963, Seven Months Before JFK’s Assassination

Phillip F. Nelson

Mr. Trump, Deliver a Knockout Blow to the Traitorous CDC

Jon Rappoport

Position Statement

James Howard Kunstler

The False-Positive Panic Over COVID-19

Neil A. Kurtzman, MD

No Change on the Way to No Cash

Eric Peters

Is America Up for a Naval War With China?

Patrick J. Buchanan

War on Poverty, or Just War on the Poor?

Claudio Grass

Stop Pretending the BLM Protests Were Peaceful

Michael Tracey

Tyranny Rules the Universities

Paul Craig Roberts

Is Trump Using Nordstream 2 To Exit NATO?

Thomas Luongo

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics, Especially COVID Statistics

Gary G. Kohls, MD

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