Yes, the Iowa GOP put this image of Abby online:

Chip in to the Finkenauer Defense Fund so we have the resources to respond >>
This brutish, offensive, misogynistic attack doesn’t merit anything but swift and universal condemnation.
Let’s be clear, this is far from the first time the GOP has used blunt-force tactics as a not-so-subtle way to insult Iowa women, and it surely won’t be the last.
They won’t grow a conscience, compassion, or decency in the next three months, so we have to prepare for more of the same and worse.
We’ve seen time and time again, that when the GOP feels threatened, they don’t look inward and fix their problems, they lash out from the shadows in more destructive, aggressive ways.
But no matter their tactics, they cannot silence Abby or this district.
We’re ready to take on their low-brow attacks, but we’ll need your help. Can you chip in to the Finkenauer Defense Fund today?
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Team Abby