
Biden & Top Dems Say Immigration is their Top Priority

Plan calls for amnesty for 11 million, and a freeze on deportation.
We need your help to make BOTH parties reliable supporters of American workers!


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Dear John,

Had you heard that former Vice Pres. Biden and the Democratic leadership in Congress have vowed to make immigration their top priority if they win the election? Here's what Mr. Biden said after the Supreme Court ruled to temporarily protect Pres. Obama's amnesty for "dreamers":

"On day one, I will send a bill to Congress that creates a clear road map to citizenship for Dreamers and 11 million undocumented people."

-- former Vice Pres. Joe Biden June 18th

This is a shocking statement from the presumptive Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. It's also a dramatic departure from the Democratic platforms that once championed reductions in immigration to protect our own most vulnerable workers.

But wait... Biden has promised to go even further:

"The first hundred days of my administration, no one, no one will be deported at all. From that point on, the only deportations that will take place are commissions of felonies in the United States of America."

-- Joe Biden,
Democratic presidential primaries debate, March 15, 2020

Can you believe that? No deportations? We can't let this happen!

No, we're not likely to flip Joe Biden into becoming the next Barbara Jordan. (She's the civil-rights leader and Democratic House member whose immigration commission inspired the creation of NumbersUSA.)

But we can -- and must -- convince both parties to look to what's good for America. Else, they'll achieve nothing more lasting than the economic devastation of the working and middle classes.

Polling shows that even most Democratic voters would not support Biden's immigration plans. We'll have to reach out to swing voters on both sides of the aisle in Congress... and show how open borders run contrary to the values such as environmental conservation, preserving workers' rights and decent wages.

If we're going to inform and motivate Americans from across the political spectrum, we're going to need to open up new fronts in every direction. Will you help us, John?


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John, I believe most Americans want both political parties to come together to deal with the coronavirus crisis and repair the economic devastation it's caused. That's part of why it's so shocking to see Biden and the Democratic leadership promising that amnesties and massive increases in immigration are their top priorities.

"Durbin noted that Biden and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) have both pledged to make immigration reform the first issue raised after a successful November.

"'They've all said it's first up,' Durbin said in remarks before the Senate left for the July 4 recess."

-- "Democrats see immigration reform as topping Biden agenda,"
The Hill, July 13, 2020

A willingness to "compromise" isn't always helpful, especially when certain big business Republicans' idea of compromise is to demand more legal immigration. Nonetheless, it's alarming to see that immigration activists see no reason to temper their demands.

"With respect to legislation, I think most advocates think the idea of a bipartisan and comprehensive approach is a failed strategy of the past, not a priority for the future... How many times have we been through this?"

-- Frank Sharry, America's Voice
The Hill, July 13, 2020

Joe Biden has even attacked Pres. Obama's immigration enforcement measures, promising to end most detention of illegal aliens, including a 100-day freeze on all deportations. He insists he isn't for open borders, but how is this anything but? When Biden paints himself as going so far beyond Pres. Obama... just WOW!

Here's a quick recap of just some of Biden's immigration priorities, according to his campaign website:

  1. For nearly all illegal aliens already in the country, issue a complete amnesty.
  2. For future illegal aliens, promise an end to most detention and no deportations at all for the first 100 days of office.
  3. Allowing people who would become -- or already are -- financially dependent on the state to come here.
  4. Import more unneeded labor by increasing work visas.
  5. Double the number of refugees from the Obama-era admitted to the U.S.

Biden keeps moving farther and farther away from sane positions; he now strongly opposes ending the visa lottery--a system that awards 50,000 visas annually on the basis of nothing other than the luck of the draw.

All these positions earn Biden an "F-minus" from our immigration grade cards. (President Trump earns a "B.")

Right now, the Democrats think opening borders is a winning issue. We have to change that thinking.

In 2007, President George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain thought the way they could win over Hispanic votes was to pass amnesty and open the floodgates for more immigration. We were there to stop them.

After the Republican defeat in the 2012 presidential election, leaders like Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor tried to blame amnesty opponents and supporters of enforcing immigration law. Both are gone now. By 2015, President Trump and many other voices saw that immigration was the central issue in American politics.

John, please believe me that this is not about defeating Joe Biden. NumbersUSA does not endorse candidates. If we're ever going to improve immigration laws -- not just revocable policies -- we need real reform:

  1. Congress must pass mandatory E-Verify for every U.S. employer.
  2. We need President Trump's enforcement measures protected and enshrined into legislation.
  3. We must change the media narrative that right now portrays immigration enforcement as irrational and cruel.
  4. Illegal aliens must no longer be rewarded with birthright citizenship, public benefits, and the hope of gaining citizenship through future amnesties.
  5. Make permanent reductions in visas and unhelpful employment-based immigration.

John, we need a recommitment from America to achieve these goals. Over the years, only a small percentage of our millions of supporters ever donated. Right now, so many of our donors have told us that they are unable to give because of their financial situation.

Can you stand in the gap for them and make a donation today?

If we have a hope of stopping a new wave of immigration expansion, we must hear from you and soon! Please help as you can.

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Stay well,

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Dan Marsh
Information Systems, Membership and Development

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? We're glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.