Friend --
The Trump administration just made another terrible decision that affects your health and the health of our environment.

Yesterday, the Trump administration rolled back critical portions of the National Environmental Protection Act. This essentially allows Big Oil and Big Coal to write their own rules -- not only are they letting the fox guard the henhouse, they're giving the fox keys to get in as well.
We've known the administration is actively working to put the interests of polluters over concerns for our climate crisis, but this is a new low even for them. The administration has cut out one of the main ways you and your neighbors can speak up about projects and decisions that affect clean air and water in your own neighborhoods.
We need to speak up, and we need to speak up now: Add your name to tell the Trump administration not to attack the National Environmental Protection Act and to put Americans' health and safety above industry kowtowing.
We've seen time and time again that these industries only prioritize their own pocketbooks and not the health and safety of Americans -- but that's exactly why the National Environmental Protection Act existed. It leveled the playing field, allowing for public involvement in huge industry projects and transparency when those projects affected the communities around them.
The Trump administration is looking to silence us -- but we can fight back if we speak up now. Add your name to tell the Trump administration to put people over politics and stop their rollback of the National Environmental Protection Act today.
Thank you,
Maria Cantwell