
Earlier this week, Betsy DeVos went on TV and reminded everyone why she’s the worst Education Secretary in American history.

While the nation’s teachers scramble to find a safe solution for schooling in the fall, Betsy DeVos went on TV and doubled down on her threat to take funding from schools that can’t reopen this fall because of the pandemic. She has no plan whatsoever for keeping teachers and students safe from COVID-19.

Will you sign onto our petition to tell Betsy DeVos: Make a plan to keep our students and teachers safe.

DeVos’ family have funneled millions of dollars into races around the country this year. It’s even been reported that her family had a hand in funding the far-right response to public safety protocols and demands to “re-open” the country whether it was safe to do so or not.

She’s been busy this year—just not with the job that she’s paid by the taxpayers to do! Once again, DeVos has failed America’s teachers and students and we need to stand up and make their voices heard.

Add your name and tell Betsy DeVos to do her job.

Thank you for lending your voice on this,

Team Moulton